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Dear Epic Mafia Players I am Lucid

deletedabout 6 years

Yes, the legend is true, Lucid does exist, this is a new account, I have been awoken and I will make sure everyone's gonna pay for their actions. Of course those of you who did nothing wrong, I am sorry, but you will be collateral victims in this duel between me and the corrupted community of this site.

For those of you who do not know me I have been dormant in the past numerous times and I kept coming back having different nicknames. I have messed up with the "site" modded and demodded people but I did it for a reason, I did it because I got yelled at for something I had not done. I had to avenge myself so that's the way I do it.

Do not worry, everything's gonna end in the near future at my earliest convenience. I have once owned the site I can do that again and a dark era will fall upon the site. The end is gonna be painful for those who once betrayed me.

I know, you might believe this is unreal. I will tell you the truth. I created an account called LucidRains in January 2008. Since that moment I kept playing with you guys having a new identity, a new one, a clean one. I know it's ironic but many of you were friendly with me, not knowing the truth and I still have respect for the most of you. I am not gonna name them obviously, but I just want to know that I am sorry, I might have been a bad site owner, I might have been a burden for the site itself but the sooner it ends the better for everyone. I have some of you on skype, I have joined multiple EM groups on discord, those people are lovely, I joined them in January just after the Christmas holidays. I just want to point out that EM community is great to a certain extent, but there are people who destroy it, both willingly and unwillingly.

This is what's going to happen. In a very few short days site is gonna lose its ads AGAIN and I will make it happen and abc123 can pay the bills if he wants his beloved site to exist. I will demod and mod people and unban every single person that's currently banned and remove all violations on every account. I know it sounds fancy, but it's extremely easy; as an owner you have the power to delete everything that's game-related (everything, all of the content) by simply clicking a button.

Truth be told, one of the current moderators hate me and I will show them no gratitude. Do not worry guys, if you want your site back pay for it, because it is true that I ain't ever coming back.

You will probably be banned in a few moments again but next time you come back it's gonna be the last time you heard of me. That's gonna be my glorious retreat

Should I delete EM
about 6 years
mod me while you're at it. I've been waiting but have never been modded by partial admins.
about 6 years
delete epicmafia