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bad verdict again

deletedover 6 years

i was sheriff and guilted comeon in my fake carol. i did this for a long time and made sure she saw it. she ignored my claim, which mafia normally do. mafia think that if they ignore someone guilting them, that person will just go away.

after she still continued to ignore me, i shot her. this was a long-time into this day.

i got a hipfire violation for this. it was given within like 1min of them reporting me and then the appeal was reject by a mod that has a history of grudge violating me and even just called me a psycho in forums 5min ago

hipfire is random shooting someone without getting reads. i reaction tested the person that i shot and they failed it. i had clear reads, so it cant be hipfire

over 6 years

vilden says

How come Mikeyru was never vio'd for his millions of "bad play" moments

i dont remember MikeyRu claiming all possible roles in the game, do you?
over 6 years
this isnt trolling, this is GT. mtlve is doing this every game, fake claiming every possible role and every possible report in game. not reacting to his bulshit is not a tell. he has admitted on doing this 1231231 times. he knows it is bad play but keeps doing it because he is happy when it works one time out of 100. he is a troll and has no brain. it is time to violate him for every single one of his throws
over 6 years
How come Mikeyru was never vio'd for his millions of "bad play" moments
over 6 years
You don’t HAVE to ask for claims before you shoot, Ally, much like you don’t HAVE to ask for claims before you hammer
over 6 years
I don’t even need to read the game to know this isn’t a hipfiring vio

Matter of fact I stopped after the paragraph, read Ally’s response (which is incorrect) and have concluded it’s not a vio.

Let’s just wait for Nathan
deletedover 6 years

denial says

Probably shouldn't be a vio but it's a very bad play

Why would caroler react to you? Sheriff could be janned and you fished him. You could be maf and he doesn't want to claim

So shooting him based on him ignoring you isn't a scumtell and you should reconsider this read because you're largely going to be wrong. Blue/orc might react differently because they're probably not afraid of claiming but this a perfectly reasonable caroler reaction

no this is not a reasonable caroler reaction. if people do this to me i would maybe claim blue or at least say i am town and they are confirmed mafia

they ignored me entirely!!!!!!
over 6 years
This isnt hipfire lmao
over 6 years
Probably shouldn't be a vio but it's a very bad play

Why would caroler react to you? Sheriff could be janned and you fished him. You could be maf and he doesn't want to claim

So shooting him based on him ignoring you isn't a scumtell and you should reconsider this read because you're largely going to be wrong. Blue/orc might react differently because they're probably not afraid of claiming but this a perfectly reasonable caroler reaction
over 6 years
you got a vio because you're not allowed to have fun on epicmafia dot com
over 6 years

Ally says

we've always moderated hipfire claims that you have to ask for claims before shooting

I can't really agree with this, because you might be of a mind to not ask for claims in order to not let mafia claim pr before getting shot and fish the real one out.

dr3amer might have an idiosyncratic way of playing that rubs a number of people up the wrong way (including me sometimes); I don't think this sort of thing really deserves a vio.
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

dr3amer says

i did what i always do, out a fake carol

this answers the reply you gave to me

why should someone entertain someone that outs fake carols every single game

i out a fake carol as sheriff dude

you know that this is just a personal vendetta against me, as you always try to vio farm me..
deletedover 6 years
5:18 "caroler on Omw!"

this is also confirmed to me that they could not be caroler tbh. they softed blue at most, and the fact that they did not react to my guilty on them made them confirmed to me

shooting your sr 1.5min into the day is not hipfiring
over 6 years
but if you had outted as sheriff and said: "I'm shooting x, better claim before I shoot you" he definitely would have reacted in time.
deletedover 6 years

dr3amer says

i did what i always do, out a fake carol

this answers the reply you gave to me

why should someone entertain someone that outs fake carols every single game
over 6 years

dr3amer says

i outed a fake carol, so i would be confirmed mafia to them. if they were caroler in that situation, they would have pushed on me and not ignored me....

i should have been sheriff or mafia to them. they would have said that as caroler and not been ignoring my guilt completely

then mafia would have cc'ed caroler and probably could win the cc over real caroler, resulting in you shooting real caroler.
deletedover 6 years

ScorpioB says

it's like both of them were hiding when caroler hiding was reasonable(I'm not sure) but sheriff hiding,no.

i was not hiding. i did what i always do, out a fake carol to get reads. they ignored it and were mafia to me based on their reaction
deletedover 6 years

Ally says

as for being "confirmed mafia" to you; why should they care if they're confirmed mafia to you when they're caroler and know that you don't have a carol?

i outed a fake carol, so i would be confirmed mafia to them. if they were caroler in that situation, they would have pushed on me and not ignored me....

i should have been sheriff or mafia to them. they would have said that as caroler and not been ignoring my guilt completely
over 6 years
it's like both of them were hiding when caroler hiding was reasonable(I'm not sure) but sheriff hiding,no.
deletedover 6 years
1.5 minutes into the day is not enough to shoot someone unless you get a claim

this was for this setup is bad but it applies for all sheriff setups; "Friendly reminder if you shoot day1 in the sheriff set up which is comped right now ask for claims before and/or out reads. If you shoot quickly you will also receive a violation for trolling/gt depending on the circumstances."

as for being "confirmed mafia" to you; why should they care if they're confirmed mafia to you when they're caroler and know that you don't have a carol?
deletedover 6 years
"Antagonizing other players, disrupting gameplay through actions or communications, or otherwise playing to get negative reactions from other players. Hipfiring can also fall under GT/Trolling depending on intent/scenario and is moderated on a case to case basis with discretion. Low contrast colours that are difficult to read also falls under trolling at the discretion of a moderator (This include's unranked and sandbox games.)"

where does it say to ask for claims?

i shot 1.5min into the day and someone that was there and active but ignoring that they were confirmed mafia to me. shooting your sr is not hipfire, especially with a jan so i could shoot an uncced caroler anyways!
deletedover 6 years
we've always moderated hipfire claims that you have to ask for claims before shooting