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Dear Epic Mafia Players I am ABC

deletedabout 6 years

Yes, the legend is true, abc does exist, this is a new account, I have been unbanned and I will make sure everyone's gonna pay for their actions. Of course those of you who did nothing wrong, I am sorry, but you will be collateral victims in this duel between me and the corrupted community of this site.

For those of you who do not know me I have been banned in the past for numerous times and I kept coming back having different nicknames. I have messed up with the "site's authorities" modded and demodded people but I did it for a reason, I did it because I got punished for something I had not done. I had to avenge myself so that's the way I do it.

Do not worry, everything's gonna end in the near future at my earliest convenience. I have once hacked the site I can do that again and a dark era will fall upon the site. The end is gonna be painful for those who once betrayed me.

I know, you might believe this is unreal. I will tell you the truth. I created an account called noavinoavialert in January 2018. Since that moment I kept playing with you guys having a new identity, a new one, a clean one. I know it's ironic but many of you were friendly with me, not knowing the truth and I still have respect for the most of you. I am not gonna name them obviously, but I just want to know that I am sorry, I might have been a bad person, I might have been a burden for the site itself but the sooner it ends the better for everyone. I have some of you on skype, I have joined multiple EM groups on discord, those people are lovely, I joined them in January just after the Christmas holidays. I just want to point out that EM community is great to a certain extent, but there are people who destroy it, both willingly and unwillingly.

This is what's going to happen. In a very few short days site is gonna lose its ads AGAIN and I will make it happen and lucid can pay the bills if he wants his beloved site to exist. I will demod and mod people and unban every single person that's currently banned and remove all violations on every account. I know it sounds fancy, but it's extremely easy; as an admin you have the power to delete everything that's game-related (not everything, bust most of the content) by simply clicking a button.

Truth be told, one of the current moderators unbanned me and I will show him some gratitude. Do not worry guys, if you want your site back pay for it, because it is true that lucid ain't ever coming back.

I will probably banned in a few moments again but next time I'll come back it's gonna be the last time you heard of me. That's gonna be my glorious retreat

Should I delete EM
about 6 years
Sh¡t I'm in too
about 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

mandevian says

Please dont delete. We will knuckle under. We will be nice and mods will be replaced as per your requirement.

can we please replace all the mods and admins with people that are fair and can think....

How do you write an apology thread then go right back to doing it. :thonk:
deletedabout 6 years

mandevian says

Please dont delete. We will knuckle under. We will be nice and mods will be replaced as per your requirement.

can we please replace all the mods and admins with people that are fair and can think....
about 6 years
Please dont delete. We will knuckle under. We will be nice and mods will be replaced as per your requirement.
about 6 years
im abc
deletedabout 6 years
not me. probs some sperglord like gira or betrayal
about 6 years

Showboat says

i think abc stopped being a real person years ago and became more of a brand.

I hope so
about 6 years
deletedabout 6 years
there's no way THIS abc is the SAME abc thajhts beener around for like 8 yeaa
deletedabout 6 years
i think abc stopped being a real person years ago and became more of a brand.
about 6 years
are you 12?
about 6 years
If you were the real ABC you would have changed your avatar to the bunny and your thread would only say "ABC is legend"
about 6 years
I wish I still found threats to take the site down shocking
about 6 years
about 6 years
I have information that may lead to abc's arrest.
about 6 years
lol i hate the way he says "son" lol but cool good to know i played with a legend i guess... if you're truly a legend you will make me mod so i can remove those unnecessary reports off ya report list so you can read the good ones.... tbh I deserve that EM mod trophy.
about 6 years
abc doesn't even talk like this
deletedabout 6 years
isnt abc the guy who used to chirpse a 14 yr old girl
about 6 years
about 6 years

abc says

wait when you're quoted it shows up as abc? thats neat

wild, dawson got hacked
about 6 years
I thought you'd moved on. What happened?
about 6 years
judgement has apparently come
about 6 years
im epicsean368. mod me again please
deletedabout 6 years
wait when you're quoted it shows up as abc? thats neat
deletedabout 6 years

uwuBoy69uwu says

abc says

EM community is great to a certain extent, but there are people who destroy it, both willingly and unwillingly.

Hypocrite much? Quit pretending like you're the one ddosing the site, you're not LMAO. Whoever the group behind the ddos's are, could you guys go ahead and ddos this fraud? Thanks!

I will remove all vios. Except yours. For you I will add a few, and permaban you. And make a topic about your cheating