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Pokemon Survivor Lobby

deletedover 6 years

So I decided to play Pokemon HeartGold. A couple of years ago, I never really played or watch pokemon, and randomly decided to jump in the first generation. I beat the game, and saw all of the first generation of Pokemon Anime. Its been a while since I played Pokemon and I felt like playing again. Decided to jump in generation 2 this time. I already played Pokemon Gold, and decided to try the newer version of it.

I am using emulator from emuparadise if anyone want to play for free on your computer.

Here is how this will work:

I have decided to name all of my pokemons with someone's username from this Survivor Lobby. If you want your name to be part of my game and journey, comment below! It would be as you are a pokemon in the game itself.

Deaths are permanent. If any of my pokemon fainted in battle, I will release that pokemon in the wild and we will never see them ever again. I will try my best to keep all of my pokemons alive.


Since there is a limit in characters count, which is 10 btw! Let me know which name do you want me to call you if your username is really long. Feel free to let me know if you have a preference of which pokemon you wish to be.

Current Roster

Roxy the Lv 31 Quilava: Flame Wheel, Swift, Quick Attack, Ember
Bob the Lv 23 Pidgeotto: Tackle, Twister, Gust, Quick Attack
Spadez the Lv 7 Mareep: Tackle, Growl
Anthony the lvl 6 Sandshrew: Scratch, Headbutt, Cut, Rock Smash
Jackson the lvl 9 Togepi: Growl, Charm, Extrasensory, Metronome
Dex the lvl 14 Scyther: Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit, False Swipe

Storage Box

Tara the Lv 3 Hoothoot: Tackle, Growl, Foresight
Majestic the Lv 2 Spinarak: Poison Sting, String Shot
HardCarry the Lv 4 Rattata: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack
deandean the Lv 3 Geodude: Tackle, Defense Curl hp12324 the Lv 10 Butterfree: Tackle, String shot, Harden, Confusion
Arisuu the Lv 12 F Nidoran: Growl, Scratch, Tail Whip, Double Kick
Karthikbk the Lv 9 Zubat: Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish
qrstuv the Lv 12 M Nidoran: Leer, Peck, Focus Energy, Double Kick
Beastman the Lv 12 Browzee: Pound, Hypnosis, Disable, Confusion
Megaraptor the Lv 13 Growlithe: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer
Claire the Lv 15 Stantler: Leer, Astonish, Hypnosis, Stomp


Knife the Lv 8 Bellsprout

deletedover 6 years
Mystery Egg #6:

I finally found Mr. Pokemon's House. I met Mr. Pokemon and the famous Professor Oak from the first generation! He gave me a mysterious egg.

Why do I have this strange urge to cook this egg and feed it to Roxy?

I resisted my urge and kept it safe.

I got a phone call from Professor Elm and said to meet him immediately. There was some disaster of some sort.

I ran back, with Roxy 1 hit killing everything in our path. Reached the city, and met this passerby boy. He challenged me to a duel with his Totodile!

I shouted Ember! Roxy burned totodile. It wasnt very effective even though it put him at half HP. It leered back, and I shouted Ember! It was a critical hit! Totodile went down without hurting Roxy! Roxy leveled up to 11!

I went back to Professor Elm's lab, and they made me name the passerby boy. I decided to name him... JayCee. I am assuming hes my rival.

I gave Professor Elm the Egg! I went to visit my mom, she asked me to save my money. I allowed her so I dont have to worry about my money!
deletedover 6 years
Route 30 #5:

I continued on to Route 30, and encountered a Lv 4 Rattata. It was a tough battle especially that the Rattata did 2 critical hit tackles on Roxy. Determined to not die, Roxy tackled harder back and murdered the Rattata. I walked back to the city so I could heal Roxy and a new pokemon appeared!

Spinarak! I quickly assessed it as a bug type of pokemon. Told Roxy to tackle it, and it was killed pretty quick. Roxy leveled up to 9.

Headed back, healed Roxy, went back again and stumbled across a house with an old man in it. He wasnt Mr. Pokemon but he gave me an apricorn box. Now I can collect all the apricorns I want! I stole one from his own tree. Ha!

Few battles later, Roxy leveled up to 10. She learned Ember! About time she can use fire abilities :D

Tested out Ember, and Roxy was killing everything in her path with 1 hit. Ember is op!
deletedover 6 years
CherryGrove City #4:

After many battles with Rattatas and Hoothoots, Roxy leveled up to 8! I noticed that Roxy was covered in blood and was tired of all the murders. It's okay, shes still new to murdering, and she will be a natural killer in no time!

I have decided to take her to a nearby city named CherryGrove City! I was met by an old man who showed me around and gave me his shoes. I proudly wore someone's else shoes, especially from a creepy old man. I then took Roxy to the pokecenter, and have her treated. She's now well rested! I went to the PokeMart to buy some pokeballs but they are all out? I was a little bit sad. Onward to Route 30!
over 6 years
make me a pikachu
deletedover 6 years
My first battles! #3:

As I walked out in Route 29, I decided that Roxy needs some training, and I decided to roam around the grass for a while.

A random Lv 2 rattata appears! I shouted Tackle! Roxy tackled it. The Rattata tackled back dealing 1 damage. I shouted Tackle it again! Roxy tacked it again and the rattata is low on HP. I weakened it, and went through my bags looking for pokeballs, and I cant find any. I sadly ordered roxy to murder the innocent rattata. I shouted Tackle and the rattata is slain.

Kept walking around, Lv 3 Hoothoot appeared. It was a tough battle, but Roxy triumphed!

Another Lv 3 Hoothoot appeared. Seems like he wasnt happy that we killed his little brother. Nevertheless, after a quick battle, roxy murdered him as well!

After all of that training, Roxy leveled up to 6! Roxy learned Smokescreen!
deletedover 6 years
Choosing my first Pokemon! #2:

I have decided to choose Roxy the Lv 5 Cynadquil as my starter pokemon!

I was presented a task of meeting Mr. Pokemon to receive a pokemon egg. I went outside and met my friend Lyra and Marill. She told me to show my cute pokemon to my mom. I went back home and met my mom and she thought it was cute as well.
I walk out, and saw a mysterious person staring in the window at the side of professor lab. I talked to the person and he/she pushed me away. I walked out and the professor chased me down to give me his phone number. He must really like me!
over 6 years
can i b in it as tara
deletedover 6 years
deletedover 6 years
Adventure Begins! #1:

I started the game, named myself Morgan, since it's my real name, and I started the game. I was told to go to Professor Elm's Lab. I was met by a girl named Lyra and her pokemon Marill. They seems friendly.

I walked into the professor's lab, eager to get my very first pokemon.

I was presented a choice:

Chikorita Cyndaquil or Totodile!
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
If you cant comment, feel free to PM me instead