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Maple Story 2 (REVIEW)

about 6 years

i wouldn't ever recommend playing this dogsht game


Remember how much fun you had plastering your stupid designs all over town in animal crossing?

You get to upload custom textures for clothes, house blocks and advertisements in town. It's a cool idea that's locked behind paywalls but since it's free in the beta people have been going nuts with it.

my priest book weapon is now a final fantasy box. anything is possible when you shell out five bucks for it (F R E E in the beta)


blows. it forces you to do the 12 hour tutorial known as the main quest which consists of quality gameplay such as

  1. cutscene (skip these)
  2. press f to dig through trash
  3. forced solo dungeon

This wouldn't be so bad but they FORCE you to do all this by yourself. So what ends up happening is that people will literally auto fish or play instruments (you can upload custom music sheets ) for hours. Leveling like this takes longer but it's a lot less boring and lonely.

Average gameplay.

Class balance is alright. Three of the eight classes (knight, wizard and priest) are lategame PVE machines. Three other classes are PVP gods (Assassins, Berserkers and Thieves). Then there's gunner which is garbage at literally everything.

Honestly most of the fun I've had from this game has been talking to people in towns, forcing groups of players to lose at minigames and luring enemy mobs to afk fishers.

tl;dr sht game with fun people

Maple Story 2: Thoughts?
maple story was never good
mmos were never good
freedom of expression was a mistake
man i just really want another animal crossing
about 6 years
this wont stop me from playing it

but not getting accepted into the beta will
about 6 years
I reccommend playing the game, Town of Salem. It's a great game I love to play with my friends, jacobkrin and rigby. Jeff plz play with me