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Starvirgent S1 ORG

about 6 years

Ever wanted to play divergent in an org format? Me neither. BUT NOWS YOUR CHANCE.

For more information go to the Reddit thread

or the wikia page,_Season_1:_Starvirgent

This will be run through discord.

To apply, go here;

I know I said I would wait to have more experience before hosting an ORG but I realised I learn more efficient and quicker by doing things by myself. Hope to see some friendly faces there.

about 6 years
oki were a few short, first in first served, just join
about 6 years
about 6 years
goodluck majestic
about 6 years
I signed up and Im ready for rejection :3
about 6 years
glad to see u like the idea
about 6 years
so survivor except the winning tribe gets to choose other tribe??
im 100% down
about 6 years
Applications are due by the end of May