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Bob01's The Mole Season 5

about 6 years

First of all, it's been more than six months since I played on EM. I've been trying to play games recently, but there was stuff conflicting with those games. But I've decided to host my 5th season of The Mole. This will be on May 5th at 8:00 p.m. EST. It will be for strictly 14 players. You can reserve for a sure spot in the game.

For those of you who don't know what The Mole is, it's a game in which as a group you're trying to earn as much money as possible for the group bank. But there is one player(The Mole) who is trying to sabotage the group while not being found out. Every day in the game, there will be tasks in which you can earn money, or the mole can prevent that. After the task(s) there will be a quiz on the identity of the mole. Whoever scores the lowest will be eliminated. Those are the basics I can explain more at the beginning of the game if needed.

Just some extra info on the game. At the beginning, I will ask for volunteers to be the mole. If you are the mole, you are expected to be in the game the whole time. The mole is never eliminated. No more than 14 people can play, if for some reason I can't get 14 in the game, I'll go to a minimum of 7. The game shouldn't go much longer than 3-4 hours. There will be a google drawing that will be helpful in answering certain questions on the quiz. The past seasons have been pretty successful so if you haven't played this before you can expect to enjoy it. So remember, May 5th 8:00 p.m. EST. Reserve for a sure spot in the game. 14 players maximum.

about 6 years
I reserve
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
Good to see you back! Tenta for me, please!
about 6 years
ill reserve
about 6 years
I'll tenta as well please.
about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
i loved playing ur one season so ill reserve
about 6 years
I'll tenta-reserve. Loving the Belgium version of The Mole that's being aired. There's English subtitle versions out there.
about 6 years
Uhm I will tenta reserve