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BeastVivor 5: Sonsoral

over 6 years

Hello All!

It is time for the next installment of BeastVivor!

You will be dropped off to the islands of Palau and be stranded on the state of Sonsoral. This will be the battle ground for 16 castaways. For the first time, I will be including a twist into the game. That twist will be revealed once the game begins.

I am looking for 17 people to play, but if there is more interest than expected I might be able to expand.

DATE- Friday, APRIL 6TH 2018 (DATE CHANGED ON 3/29/18)

TIME- 7:00pm est

Please reserve below! Tell all of your friends to play, as i expect this to be a fun game!


  1. JacobBanana

  2. KillerBean (tenta)

  3. MajesticTerrapin

  4. MonteCarrlo

  5. samantha

  6. jgriff

  7. barlco

  8. GoldAce154

  9. ICouldBeYourDad (tenta)

  10. AdmiralJones42

  11. kofitheblack

  12. Kloading

  13. Zacharae

  14. bryce1997

  15. CherylBlossom

  16. Vibrage (tenta)

  17. FFSierraDamnThomas (tenta)

  18. MegaRaptor789

  19. bboy29

  20. Knife

  21. XFire

What Will the Twist Be?
Redemption Island
All of the Above
Everyone Gets an Idol
Exile Island
No Idols
Chain Eliminations
about 6 years
did i not reserve for this yet?
about 6 years
made it to reserves
about 6 years

beastman2764 says


about 6 years
about 6 years
about 6 years
Reserve please <3
about 6 years
reserve pls x i know u hate me and all but i'd love to play!
about 6 years
reserve pls x i know u hate me and all but i'd love to play!
about 6 years
about 6 years
wait i was already reserved lol
about 6 years

beastman2764 says

bump it up

you can bump me anytime
about 6 years
reserve me daddy
about 6 years
bump it up
about 6 years
sorry can't come on that day, unreserving
about 6 years
Hello Everyone! unfortunately i won't be able to host tomorrow night as planned. Things are getting messy at work and a bunch of people called out for tomorrow for the holiday weekend, so i will most likely have to work later than i planned.

So with that said, I will be hosting this season NEXT FRIDAY(APRIL 6TH) AT 7PM EST. I will honor those who already reserved, Just shoot me a pm to confirm your spot for next week.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
about 6 years
I'll take a spot my dude
about 6 years
tenta reserve
about 6 years
if u have room resrve me but its 12 30 am now so I may not get up in 6 hours so I may not make it in time
about 6 years
Ok, I want to reserve now, I cleared my schedule for Saturday so I can sleep in after I stay up really late playing this!
about 6 years
over 6 years
I would love to play but unfortunately 7pm EST is midnight for me. And I don't want to join if I can't stay until the end ( and win ;) ), it wouldn't be fair on you. I hope the game will be fun, Beastman!
over 6 years
ok fine
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years