Since all of you seem to hate the way mods run things in this lobby and since all mods hold very low view of all the users and want to make them behave a certain way while playing, why don't you guys start playing in a new lobby?
I will be happy to play in that lobby and run for trophy in it. Pick your admin and mods. Come to an agreement on rules based on majority decision. Allow everyone in the lobby.
Let this main lobby become a wasteland of people you hate and make a new main lobby.
I bet someone who owns a lobby will be happy to appoint an admin and some mods to give you what you want.
See bsm. Do you know why I try and discuss things with you? Because i respect you a lot for your attitude to communicate with people and many other good traits you have. But that does not mean I have to agree with you on everything. And when you say you didnt do any of those, it shows you don't consider the mod team as your own team. The mod team should collectively own up to everything they do. Even if you disagree with what your team members do, if you are outvoted then you have to stick with your team. You cant say that it isnt you who did all those things. The users see the mods as a collective unit. And you have to give a feeling of unity amongst mods to the users.
You have to own up to it and defend it or work in fixing it. Or at least try without giving up. You have been playing on this site for so long and have been given the opportunity to mod. You owe the site your time and conviction. You have to do your best. You have to act more responsibly than the normal users. You are an active mod and you should make the most of it while you can stay active. After some months you will not be this active. So discuss with people their problems and work on fixing it. At least try. If people see you are trying then they will respect you more and will feel good about the mod team. If you have the backing of the people then the mod team will back you. Dont take decisions emotionally. Rise up to the expectations. We see a glimmer of hope in you. And we feel bad when you let us down by punishing people for small things instead of solving the bigger and actual problems.
I'm going to assume that when you said you 15 times in those comments only the first one was referring to me and not the other 14 bc I didn't do those things lmao
You want to ban people for getting nudes on skype is the same thing as giving a gt vio for someone throwing a football game in real life. And anyone who disagrees with you is automatically branded as a person who wants to have sex with under age girls without consent. You have no right to moderate Skype. If he did the same thing on epicmafia then you can give him a harrassment vio. And I wonder how a forum and comment ban is gonna keep him from approaching other girls on skype. It is hilarious. It just shows you want to be a judge and use your power to punish people who you think are bad.
You misunderstand me. I still wanna fix it. But i saw some people criticize the admin because they feel that they have been wronged. So i am saying they can go to new lobby and pick their own admin if they don't want to resolve the issues by communicating.
And what is the harm in proposing two solutions? Soda says he doesnt agree with meteor rules. Neither do I. But I follow it. But he doesn't wanna follow it. So im saying he should go to new lobby and make his own meteor rules.
Your assumption is that one person can't try and solve problems in different ways. You want to ban people for having fun and I want all of them to have fun without causing problems to others.
Your thought process is too narrow minded because you don't wanna give people the freedom to even hold two thoughts which you think are contradictory. According to you, you are the only person who can decide right and wrong.
You think that being neutral and sympathizing with different people means im changing position? I should either agree with you at all times or disagree at all times?
Im telling the people who hate this lobby to make new lobby because most people here don't agree with the rules we made. And why do you bother if people are not ok with this lobby? You sound like a baby who wants to play with other people and your way only.
I saw many people posting that the admins are not available and they are bad. So why don't they become the admin and make their own lobby?
If they don't wanna fix the problem here with communication then they can play elsewhere