over 6 years

sign up here to play boardgame online this weekend

comment below thank

over 6 years
over 6 years
if you ignore it it'll go away

i reserve for me and a friend that cant post
over 6 years
im down tbh
over 6 years
me irl
deletedover 6 years

me irl at this moment

also i sign up
deletedover 6 years
what the heck
over 6 years

Cammy says

sign up here to play boardgame online this weekend

comment below thank

over 6 years
One last confession....BGO really triggered me with them flashbacks, hollllyyyy. Goddamnit Cammy! On pokemon showdown, my mentor who is young but is a super genius (He has an IQ of 140+ but doesn't give two sh!ts of joining Mensa because he's like I honestly don't care. By the way you guys, I don't actually have an IQ of 150, I just said that as a meme and to trigger certain people, my bad! I've never bothered to take an IQ test, because I'm lazy and also I'm afraid that deep down inside I'm mentally handicapped because let's face, there really is something wrong with me as much as I try to deny it. I haven't even fully opened up to my doctors. They don't know that I used to be schizophrenic or that I'm homosexual cause I hide big stuff. Always been like that. My friends, family, teachers and people I meet online all say I'm frighteningly intelligent when I want to be or a sheer r3tard when I want to be. It depends on my mood for the hour and how I choose to regulate it) onto the story though! He joined a survivor game on the pokemon showdown forums and he carried his tribe and won the whole thing and I was like wew, dude, why are you so smart??? This is an annual thing because it's a big event. He was like yo, you should join next year and I'll carry you. I told him he's the best but that I don't think I'm good enough and I'd get cucked so he'd never think I'm Moomo on epicmafia and I declined the offer. He thinks I'm an angel. Well, I am an angel, but a severely twisted one! Little does he know what I did in this survivor lobby....uh oh.
over 6 years
If my friends and best-friend saw the way I acted online, pretty sure they'd all run away from me and I'd go from xxx number of friends on facebook to 0 LMFAOOOO. Believe it or not, I'm actually extremely reclusive irl and barely talk at all. My nickname is actually MIA, because according to friends and family I'm always missing in action. I'd rather hang out by myself and talk with myself inside my head than go to a party, idk why. My thought process deviates greatly from the norm. I'm an outlier. An anomaly. Fckkk, hopefully my friends and best friend never find out. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD. PLEASE GOD.

I'll stfu now...
over 6 years
For every want-to-be parent, take this tip very seriously! If you don't show your child love and affection irl they'll become an internet troll and have regrets about it later in life!!!
over 6 years
In all honesty, I think most prominent players on BGO banned me except for a few. (I LOVE YOU ELVIRA, IF YOU PLAY EPICMAFIA, HIIIII) I was like Uglyduckling2929 when he first joined the survivor lobby but amplified x 10 because was that on steroids.

That was basically me at my stay there. I even had a PO avatar, (the red teletubbie) that had gangstaaaa chains and necklaces.
over 6 years
To be honest I can't even login into my BGO account (Trying to right now) because I forgot my password. (by the way my username on bgo is not Moomo,i think that name is taken or something or maybe it's still available, idrk???)
over 6 years
By the way, sorcerer + merchant combo is busted in long games because you just save up money, items, mana and then you blitz near the end and no one can stop you. Quantum physicist is also a really neat power. I'd really like to play but I'm afraid I'll go into relapse and get addicted again so I'll pass, ughh. (this is what happens when u have 0 self control). Have fun everyone!
over 6 years
Oh god....I remember back in the days I used to be a BGO addict. If you ever see a guy called Ekenedilichukwu or MercwithMouth, (Mercwithmouth is really funny. To get under his skin tell him that his username reminds you of a military dude giving blowjobs and he'll go after you in games and fck u up, so be CAUTIOUS BEFORE SAYING THAT LOL. I actually got banned from his games because each time he tried to get revenge, I'd curbstomp him and trigger him in public chat. Man, I was really naughty...This was before epicmafia or I think at the same time I joined epicmafia.) RUN FOR YOUR FCKING LIFE...Dude's a savaaaaage player.
over 6 years
i sign up~
over 6 years
depending on when it is i can play or host it for people since i have the rewards for donating (so i can host with the extra classes + double classes)

(im unaware if cammy or someone else has this as well though)
deletedover 6 years
i sign up!
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
I'll sign up :)
over 6 years
i sign up
over 6 years
over 6 years
I sign up
over 6 years
I sign up
over 6 years
i sign up