Mega-BB #2
Welcome! On Saturday, March 10th, 8 PM EST, I will be hosting the second installment of Mega-BB!
Here is the doc for Season 1:
Season 2 will be for 17 total players (Possibly more, possibly less). There WILL be special twists to make the game more exciting!
Reserve now!
1) MonteCarrlo
2) jgriff
3) FireDragonPrince
4) beastman2764 (tenta)
5) Korimax
6) ICouldBeYourDad
7) Jessicaa
8) danilelele
9) bboy29
10) MajesticTerrapin
11) Samburu
12) kofitheblack
13) cocokitty33
14) amedeoNYC
15) overthnkr11 (tenta)
16) benfox2
17) Knife