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a personal thread !

over 6 years

welcome .

over 6 years

jessys says

Picante says

the real question is... did you freaking take AP Government as a Freshman/Sophomore cuz honestly... wow o_O

i took it as a sophomore and only got a 3 nnn

it's okay you got G E R R Y M A N D E R I N G out of it jfds;akf
over 6 years

Picante says

the real question is... did you freaking take AP Government as a Freshman/Sophomore cuz honestly... wow o_O

i took it as a sophomore and only got a 3 nnn
over 6 years
the real question is... did you freaking take AP Government as a Freshman/Sophomore cuz honestly... wow o_O
over 6 years

Forrest says

but seriously, yes you lied and mislead people but at the end of the day it wasn't like you were trying to manipulate or use people - which in my mind is what would make it bad. You got caught up in just pretending to be someone for the sake of maintaining friendships, which to those who are your real friends will recognize that you cared enough about them and your bonds to keep going onward and even make this post.

Don't be down on yourself, and don't let other people bully or harass you for this because honestly, this is the most mature and best way to handle this.

Kudos to you Yousef, and I look forward to continue chatting/playing with you in vivor =)

This post expresses my thoughts better than I ever could and I'm sure you'll continue to find acceptance and friendship(s) from the people in this lobby.
over 6 years
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
also this means i knew u when u were like 12 omg WILD
over 6 years
Honestly what I'm really surprised about is your age. You're really smart and mature. Thought you were a lot older honestly.
deletedover 6 years
i'm so proud of you and ily no matter what, it was very courageous of you to post this and i'm v happy for u. <3 you're still the exact same person to me no matter what, and i'm happy to have known u for so long.
over 6 years
This was a really well written post and I'm really happy for you that you feel comfortable enough to share this with us. I can only speak personally, but it hasn't changed the way I feel about you at all. You're still a funny, friendly and eccentric person who suggested tucker nominate me in my first ever trophy game and watched me be second boot <3

I'm super happy for you, and if you find yourself in need of anyone to talk to or some support please know that you can talk to me :-)
deletedover 6 years

annajane says

dari shhhhh

fine i'll delete this
deletedover 6 years
but seriously, yes you lied and mislead people but at the end of the day it wasn't like you were trying to manipulate or use people - which in my mind is what would make it bad. You got caught up in just pretending to be someone for the sake of maintaining friendships, which to those who are your real friends will recognize that you cared enough about them and your bonds to keep going onward and even make this post.

Don't be down on yourself, and don't let other people bully or harass you for this because honestly, this is the most mature and best way to handle this.

Kudos to you Yousef, and I look forward to continue chatting/playing with you in vivor =)
over 6 years
dari shhhhh
deletedover 6 years

jessys says

since you guys have no idea what i look like, here are some pictures of me lkbjasdflkam

why does it look like you're grabbing your crotch ?
deletedover 6 years
it's okay as long as you don't pick any more lame avatars, bucko
over 6 years
since you guys have no idea what i look like, here are some pictures of me lkbjasdflkam

over 6 years
so PROUD of you! a king and an angel
over 6 years
the things i lied about are my name (yousef)/age (16)/gender (male)/being in college (i'm actually in high school as a junior)/driving (i only have a permit)/my eyesight (i have glasses lmaoo i never mentioned this to anyone in the beginning of it all so i just had to roll with it rip)

i know this is gonna be a lot to adjust to and some of you guys might need some time to think over this, and that's fine. in one of the next few days, i'm changing my epicmafia username. i'm deactivating my orb fb and making a new one, and making a new skype account as well.

thanks for reading, and sorry, again.
over 6 years
hi y'all ! i made this thread to make a post i've been struggling with writing for a while now.

first off, i just want to thank anyone who's defended me when there were a lot of people talking about me being a male or transgender. at the time those kept rolling in, i guess i was having self identity issues and didn't know what to do in response to it all. i know that some people still went to bat for me despite there being no real proof about myself, and i really appreciate everyone who did. i guess you could tell what this post is leading to based on all that, lmao

my name is yousef and i'm a 16 year old gay male. i'm still in high school as a junior, and everything about me being a female in college isn't real.

when i entered online communities, i was really young. like, maybe 12 years old young. when i first entered a community, you had to be 13 to join and i was 11, so i made another identity instead of waiting it out for some reason. when i made an account, i said i was a female. i guess i was struggling with self identity when i did this, and i wish i could've just waited and joined as a male. ever since then, i haven't told anyone about my real self until 2-3 days before my legends vote off. i've held it in because i'm scared of losing any friends i've made in my experiences on the internet and i just really didn't have the guts. i needed to tell everyone about this before it was too late and i'd be stuck pretending to be jessy forever.

to people like ryman who spread around these rumors, i'm sorry for being so defensive and lying. i just thought i had to defend myself because i wasn't comfortable with anyone thinking i was a guy then.

again, i'm so sorry for lying about this. for anyone who still wants to talk to me and be friends, thank you so much for understanding. again, if you can't, that's okay too. (sorry about the somber tone, i feel like i need to be serious about this LKSJLKSJS)
over 6 years
nnnn this is gonna be out of no where but hi