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jingahegami magician extraordinaire

about 6 years

hi im jingahegami and this is my personal thread and also i love trucy wright

draw me trucy wright or ask me stuff i like attention

best jinga meme
games lobby
sandbox big brother copypasta
vivor get out/fuck vivor
about 6 years
wait i need an opinion
about 6 years
i Love u.
about 6 years
gimme an opinion, also maggie simpson
about 6 years

TedTonate says

How does it feel with Ted being the better character in the game?

i hope ted got executed
about 6 years

mutie says

what r ur thoughts on phines n ferbo

about 6 years

YellowPear says

what do you think about flying insects

they scare me but i like ladybugs :D
about 6 years
maggie simpson
about 6 years
How does it feel with Ted being the better character in the game?
about 6 years
what r ur thoughts on phines n ferbo
about 6 years
what do you think about flying insects
about 6 years
mod me on ladsbox you worthless wag
deletedabout 6 years
vivor get out
about 6 years

MajesticTerrapin says

When will you make more memes for this poll?

dis my question

good question
about 6 years
When will you make more memes for this poll?

dis my question