almost 7 years

As expected the pathetic, incompetant mod team lets blatantly obvious cheaters trophy because they would rather stick their heads in the sand while I, Flygon the human trash heap cheat my way to a gold tropy by having friends in my games ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR, THATS RIGHT (124) TIMES OVER THE COURSE OF THE ROUND

This is an unprecedented show. A mound of garbage that can be seen from miles away in any direction by a half-blind person and yet the self proclaimed janitors of this website deny that ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY HAPPENED AT ALL

Here are some pms between Lacey and Flygon.

Report from 1 day, 13 hours ago -

What Flygon says to lacey (after getting intel from mod chat from alex) -

The rest of the conversation -

And finally that forum post by Flygon -

They are so obviously cheating and smug about it and if you moderators don't do something about it this is what you get. It almost seems like some of the mods want them to trophy.

do your jobs

almost 7 years
almost 7 years
im screaming LOL
almost 7 years
there is an exploit. flygon account got hijacked. if lucid gave a sh*t about this website, all he needs to do is make sure every the ip address of every http request matches the ip address that was used to authenticate the user’s session. unfortunately no one can do anything about it except lucid.
almost 7 years
such a simple password lol
deletedalmost 7 years
dq him and unpause it
almost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
lol hacked and exposed
deletedalmost 7 years
Competition is currently put on hold by site moderators.

almost 7 years
who is flygon
almost 7 years
Also make sure alex is demodded for sharing mod chat with slow
deletedalmost 7 years
at the very least ban him for an unfunny forum topic
deletedalmost 7 years
Flygon is my roommate and I can confirm he didn't cheat. That's our other roommate, Frank, on his account posting this as a prank. Please disregard.
almost 7 years
whats happening.
deletedalmost 7 years
ok i don't know what he's getting at but can you ban slowbro ty
deletedalmost 7 years
wait literally what lmao
almost 7 years