So there's been a lot of shooting recently and the president isnt doing about it.
Australia had its worst mass shooting in 1996 on the 28th of April. 12 days later australia announced a bipartisan deal on sweeping gun control measures. The government brought back and destroyed over a million guns. We (australia) haven't had a mass shooting since.
Why is Trump not doing anything. Children are dying. People aren't living their full lives. If comforting those who have been through trauma and lost loved ones is all they can do b*llfucking sh*t. If saying it will be okay to those victims then saying that to gun owners should be fine too.
Sorry im just annoyed with how this has all been going down.
in the context of his world he's going to feel extremely marginalized, whether or not you actually hold that to be objective fact is irrelevant, i'm not saying that white men are oppressed in any way
That’s actually true, I didn’t look at it like that tbh. However I believe there will be a lot more white people not willing to give up their guns than black people .
I’m pretty certain the percentage of black ppl with these guns I want bans is less likely than the percentage of whites
theres 0 point in the news cycle covering what their motives were or even being interested in them, posting elliot's manifesto means "98% of people who sees this think he's crazy, 2% of them are the choir he's preaching to and decide to shoot up schools themselves"
1) marginalized by society and glorify mass shooters 2) crazy
anything that they say or do is in these 2 camps
ie the guy who shot two kids in NM was an encyclopedia dramatica admin who updated the "high school" page for shooters every time it happened obsessively lol
I always like to throw in the fact that I’m from Canada in arguments I have in this thread and can state with 100% certainty that the likelihood of me getting shot to death by a non-cop is about 90% less likely than that of any American arguing with me .
However if I’m ever to get shot, here in Canada, it won’t be by an AR15 and there most likely won’t be 50 other names alongside mine lol
i mean the heroine analogy is great, because both blacks and whites were doing it, but who was being sent en masse to prision were only the blacks, the idea that it would be different with assault rifles is idealist and not based on reality
deletedover 6 years
news: dead white guy with gun was good guy, actually alive white guy with gun: i am also, good guy, actually
its an indisputable fact that the media glorification of shooters/all the attention that they/their manifestos get is the root cause of the shootings, its basically a copycat thing now, people who feel marginalized in society or life want to make their mark somehow and they know 1 way to do it easily...
not liek there are other ways to do mass killings either. what did klebold and harris use to begin columbine? explosives, wich anyone can make (austin bomber ex.)