My point is that it was well the way it was before. Having games here doesnt give anyone trouble.
Games lobby can host their games there and we can have our games here like the way it was before dooze started doing all this weird stuff, plus its just a god damn lobby. Why make a lobby specified for games when it can be just one lobby with mafia games AND normal games? Why the need to make it multiple genres?
Im not deadset ( whatever that means ) on getting games lobby active because i dont play games. It just annoys me everyone all of a sudden now that games are being deleted theyre defending games lobby and posting all this dumb sh*t in the forums when before no one cared about them except for 2 or 3 of them.
if youre this bunch of c0cksuckers for games lobby and want to revive it so bad just delete all games from sandbox lobby except mafia dude. Unless tigermom's statements are out of all Facts because they spend time clicking the Enter button to make it more believable, ( i believe them ) then just keep all the games. Its not like a memory card from PS2 where it occupies space and you have to delete it or youll be consumed or something. Whats the point of deleting some of the games but keeping some of them? Tbh delete all of them or keep them.
If I understand correctly you want games lobby to remain a lobby where people come to play with their friends once a day and then desert it immediately. As someone who cannot participate in this because I have no friends on EM and would therefore lose out on the entire games experience I really disapprove of this idea.
If this is not your idea of Games Lobby, if instead you want it to be a lobby with an active community just like Sandbox and main lobby, I support it, except that...
First, the EM community is currently too small to sustain a third lobby. Heck, even Sandbox lobby has its dead hours, so to think it is possible to have a games-focused lobby with an active community in a mafia-oriented website is quite naive.
Second, if it is indeed your goal to create an active community within the Games lobby (or, as you say, "revive it"), then perhaps you should be making steps towards exposing more people to games (because let's be real, only a minority play anything else but mafia), not destroying the most major means of getting people involved in these games.
Most of the reason I play these games is because I can see people are hosting them and I am able to join them with just one click of my mouse. If games are moved to games lobby you can't possibly expect me to check it every five minutes to see if someone's hosting a game.
And no, if you want to host your own game, writing "hey does anyone want to go play X in game lobby and wait 15 minutes as I periodically leave the pre-game to spam the chatroom and other rooms for people to join our game" in the chatroom doesn't work. Believe me, I've tried.
i really dont get why people are so vehemently anti games lobby and want to flood sandbox with their 2p games when games lobby exists for a reason. people really do always complain about games lobby being a dead lobby but nobody ever wants to actually use it. thats why its dead sillygooses!!!!!
i want to live in a world where people who want to play other games are using games lobby, the lobby for games
anyone who opposes games lobby will be banned until they realize that they wont be able to play chess anymore and come crawling back to apologize to me
has anyone noticed how the only people opposing games on Sandbox have an anime avi? you can check previous threads, it all makes sense. since weebs are liked by no one, they're making sure no one else have fun.