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The Secular state of Albashiea

deletedover 6 years

What we Are

The Secular state of Albashiea is the fairest and most unbiased community on EpicMafia with each Scholar supporting both on and off of this website. As We look to promote the equality of other people in the Sandbox lobby as well as EpicMafia as a whole in order to share our knowledge with those who need it the most. We do not tolerate judgment of others and we promote tolerance and acceptance of all types of people. This is far more than just a lifestyle -- it is a way of life.

The Secular state of Albashiea is a sanctuary for all and a community for all who treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and avoids preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion.

The only thing we are biased against are movements such as the Church of Jamal who push their beliefs on others with no regard to respect of others or a care for the spam and stress their movement causes. We promote out users to kick the following from their games:

  • JamalMarley
  • Plissken
  • Umakampton

How to Join

Everyone is welcome to join the Secular sate of Albashiea. You have a few options to earn your membership to the State:

Join the state family: Coming soon. 

◘ You may privately message me or post on this thread if there is a slot available for another member of the State and wish to join. Ensure that you have a score of 1000+ located on your profile.

Have your family become an ally of the State.

◘ Have the owner of your family put in the family's description that the family is an ally of the Secular state of Albashiea.

State on your profile that you are a member of the Secular State of Albashiea.

◘ Post on this thread once you have stated on your profile that you are a member of the Secular state of Albashiea and you will be added to the list of members.

Declare your allegiance here
  • post bellow

Members of the Secular state of Albashiea :

  • coolkidrox123
I agree to be respectful and understanding of othe
5 signed
Do you agree you will respect others?
What would you describe this as?
over 6 years
i hope your country collapses due to untreated disease
over 6 years
Can i join?
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
False! Does a single forum post = annoyance?
Many users make forum posts and yet they are not found to be annoying. I have posted this and a single post on the wall. I have not spammed nor have I preached outside of this forum and the one post on the wall to bring attention to this thread.

My thread promotes respect. I do not find Respect to be a cause of annoyance.
over 6 years
anti-jamal/plissken's posts are almost as annoying as their own holy WOKEN church spam

fighting annoyance with annoyance i see
over 6 years

deletedover 6 years
noun: respect; plural noun: respects

a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
"the director had a lot of respect for Douglas as an actor"
synonyms: esteem, regard, high regard, high opinion, acclaim, admiration, approbation, approval, appreciation, estimation, favour, popularity, recognition, veneration, awe, reverence, deference, honour, praise, homage
"the respect due to a great artist"
antonyms: contempt
the state of being admired or respected.
"his first chance in over fifteen years to regain respect in the business"
a person's polite greetings.
"give my respects to their Excellencies"
used to express the speaker's approval of someone or something.
exclamation: respect
"respect to Hill for a truly non-superficial piece on the techno scene"
due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others.
over 6 years
lets not
over 6 years
over 6 years
nearbeer, honorable and honourable means the same. He probably using oxford English.
deletedover 6 years
I will never stop respecting others regardless of religion (apart from the church of jamal) and regardless of gender, race or ethnicity.
over 6 years
over 6 years
I would like to join
deletedover 6 years
Spelling does not hinder the state nor promote it. It is merely a small error that does not impact our will to promote respect.
over 6 years
over 6 years
You spelled honorable wrong
deletedover 6 years
Respect, be fair and don't let bias cloud your mind.