Cos i fkin can so i fudgin will. If u got a problem wiv that come at me el dikedys.
Also if u got bif lets go u have my attention.
Foreign bif is also welcomed.
Or u cud just wanna be my frond.
This is a pro Palestinian thread, u gotta problem with that tell someone who gives 2 shites or possibly me.
I didnt get a chinese so i guess I'm aryyt. Also i be walking in the street and i get asked all the time, people be like 'calciumkid whats your fav songs or artists ' So I'll post them here for the 8 fans soon.
Went out to takeaway in my night robe cos thats how i role and i see an old man in his 70s lying on the floor bleeding from his head n mouth. Atleast 10 cars went swerving past him and not one stopped to help him. Rang ambulance they came after 1 hour n 45 mins. I'm Actually fuming rn. As we were waiting for the ambulance someone passing by asked him have u been drinking and the old man says no but this kid has.
Morale of the story Dont be them el dikedys that drove off.
deletedalmost 7 years
Sometimes u gotta give people a taste of their own medicine. Snitching aint a medicine so no fk u snek.