So it's time to elect our "leaders" but less like leaders and more like "important people we all look to for guidance and gay support"
We have many people running for bronze, silver, and gold medal VIGs (Very Important Gays) and a 3 people running for Ultimate Nifty Gecko.
And, as you may have noticed we already have someone named as our Beyonce. GAYshus (GAY lozershus), congratulations!
I cannot wait to see what happens. Good luck and have fun!
Here is a link to the poll:
p.s. the countdown is once again more of a suggestion since, as stated before, i am gay so i cannot truly commit to it. itll be sometime around then that the polls close. heres a nifty gecko oh i broke the nifty gecko. no worries i have fixed the nifty gecko
p.p.p.p.s.s.s. (i dont know how those work) if you would like to join the gayng,