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over 6 years

So it's time to elect our "leaders" but less like leaders and more like "important people we all look to for guidance and gay support"

We have many people running for bronze, silver, and gold medal VIGs (Very Important Gays) and a 3 people running for Ultimate Nifty Gecko.

And, as you may have noticed we already have someone named as our Beyonce. GAYshus (GAY lozershus), congratulations!

I cannot wait to see what happens. Good luck and have fun!

Here is a link to the poll:

p.s. the countdown is once again more of a suggestion since, as stated before, i am gay so i cannot truly commit to it. itll be sometime around then that the polls close. heres a nifty gecko oh i broke the nifty gecko. no worries i have fixed the nifty gecko

p.p.p.p.s.s.s. (i dont know how those work) if you would like to join the gayng,

y'all havin a good time out there?
over 6 years
hi everybody i hope were having a good time out there
over 6 years
i dont think i ever used gay as an insult towards you? im really confused lol when did that happen. i deleted the GAYbop (gay bebop) thing because you obviously dont want to be a part of this super serious group but are you talking about me calling you gay as an insult because i definitely never did that and if youre not talking about me calling you gay as an insult (which never happened) can you explain
over 6 years
using gay as an insult @ someone who said u werent a very good parody is probably not a good image for Ur group but thats just whatever U want to do have that Fun i Guess
over 6 years
is it because i say GAY(name) because that was a direct parody yeah but like its just fun. youre confusing me and its hurting my brain cant wait to see who is ultimate nifty gecko
over 6 years
i really dont understand where youre coming from lol like youre actually confusing me, sorry we just wanted to have fun lol ill never have fun again :'(
over 6 years
see ur Doing it now :(
over 6 years
i will vote for you as a write in candidate when i vote bebop. as you can see in the poll i myself am in the running as i see no reason as to why i, having only created a simple thread, should be automatic "almighty god and ruler" of a group of people who want to have fun. youre confused
over 6 years
are you being homophobic and trying to deny gays from having fun in their own space
over 6 years
please elaborate in detail how this is a negative situation when were just trying to have fun and nobody is getting hurt
over 6 years
you make no sense and were a lot friendlier and if you wanted to be in the gayng all you had to do was ask (people whio arent even in the gayng are elected)
over 6 years
this is hot
over 6 years
this gayng thing in trying to parody plissken is just doing the same thing as plissken u kno :(
over 6 years
wait hey guys we cant have 3 inanimate objects as the VIGs.....
over 6 years
quasimodo, you're the gay president. you're already a VIG