ever wondered if you could be a good mod or not? Here is your chance to shine.
I will give you 5 cases, and you need to seriously look at them and decide the verdict of the sheriff. We can all see what you select, so make sure to take it seriously
- Dkkoba https://epicmafia.com/game/6384478
- Transcend https://epicmafia.com/game/6392916
- Dr3amer https://epicmafia.com/game/6387911
- EvenBiggerG https://epicmafia.com/game/6387095
- GayLivesMatter https://epicmafia.com/game/6384443
If you really shine, then maybe you will become a mod 1 day
selecting your choices
A= trolling hipfire
a= note for trolling/hipfire
0= No vio
S=isp vio/note for isp
so like if you think that all 5 should have a hipfire vio it would say: 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A