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Gays and young nifty geckos (gayng)

over 6 years

vote now for whatever we decide to call the person that we go 'hey thats number 1 gay' about:

An organization started by super gay epicmafia user GAYsimodo (GAY quasimodo) (formerly known as quasimodo), to ensure that justice is upheld in the name of our lord, whoever we decide is our gay lord I guess. Or maybe the nifty geckos? Apply via reply and you shall be screened for acceptance into this select group of individuals for this specific purpose in the NIFTY GECKO'S name.

You must be at least one of the following to be a part of this prestigious group of excellent people/geckos

  1. at least a little gay
  2. a nifty gecko
  3. beyonce
  4. vegan
  5. willing to try anything once
  6. a good boy

GAYsimodo (GAY quasimodo),

GAYtsy (GAY bitsy),

GAY4bloodgod (GAY blood4bloodgod),

GAYturningRAY (GAY theturningRAY),

GAYkid2018 (GAY hoopkid2018),

GAYGayHedgehog (GAY DoozesGayHedgehog),

GAYcaptain (GAY americancaptain),

GAYHelios (GAY TrueHelios),

GAYkami (GAY ookami),

PRESIDENT GAYannaRobynFenty (PRESIDENT GAY RihannaRobynFenty),

50% GAYche (50% GAY quiche),

GAYkidrox123 (GAYcoolkidrox123),

GAYkin (GAY Sakin),

GAYshus (GAY lozershus(beyonce)),

GAY439 (GAY Psy439),

GAYClassico (GAY JimClassico),

GAYn (GAY Dryn),

GAYby (GAY rigby),

50% GAYartz99 (50% GAY Shwartz99),

GAYgra (GAY Negra),

GAYoopie (GAY Shoopie),

GAYr3dy (GAY h3rr3dy),

GAYLawn (GAY FilthyLawn),

GAYana (GAY Jeana),

GAYshowmaster (GAY gameshowmaster),


GAYLover (GAY LekkuLover),

GAYphrasie (GAY Euphrasie)

over 6 years

baabaa says

quasimodo says

baabaa said not gay so i guess i take back to welcome gaybaa?


im scared and confused
over 6 years

quasimodo says

baabaa said not gay so i guess i take back to welcome gaybaa?

over 6 years
baabaa said not gay so i guess i take back to welcome gaybaa?
over 6 years
welcome to the gayng GAYHero even though i think i've already dont this before and also GAYbaa
over 6 years
ya sure welcome GAYmermaid1 (GAY blondemermaid1) to the GAYNG etc
over 6 years
I'm trying to get kicked out of Jamal's church. Can I join this one?
over 6 years
I'm a loser : D
over 6 years
I am interested in this.
over 6 years

BaneofMafia says


WELCOME TO THE GAYNG GAYofMafia (GAY BaneofMafia)! our spring fling is coming up soon! hope youve got your fancy spring attire to wear!
over 6 years
yellowpear im sorry your skin is being inhabited by some kind of demon who has access to the internet. we're all hoping for the best yellowpear!
over 6 years
i was being vented i'd never join the direct enemy and parody group of Justice Under Dictators And Scum
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
hi im vegan and i do crossfit every 15 weeks can i join
over 6 years
criteria 1: at least a little gay. Youve done it! youre in! WELCOME GAYphrasie (GAY Euphrasie)!!!
over 6 years
hi im a partial gay am i allowed in
over 6 years
Welcome, GAYLover (GAY LekkuLover) to the gayng :)
over 6 years
me me me
I'm a good boy
over 6 years
Welcome new members GAYr3dy (GAY h3rr3dy), GAYLawn (GAY FilthyLawn), GAYana (GAY Jeana), GAYshowmaster (GAY gameshowmaster) and of course, GAYCKOke (GAY GECKO dyke)! we now have unlimited chick fil a nuggets, both crispy and grilled, and all the sauces
over 6 years
I'll join plus my name should be overly easy to form
over 6 years
I want to join
as a gecko
over 6 years
Hi I'm a good boy but I don't fit any other qualifications. Please let me join.
over 6 years
over 6 years
welcome GAYlyssa
over 6 years
WELCOME GAYoopie (GAY Shoopie) to the Gayng we have whatever drinks and food you want! literally anything, we have. welcome!
over 6 years

Negra says

what the fuk did you say about my geckos