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Pantheon org: Season 2

over 6 years

Hey, guys!

After a great first season, Pantheon is back for its second go! Pantheon is a Survivor-based game where players will compete to earn the favor of the gods and join the Pantheon, alongside our first winner - Felix, god of the seas!

Pantheon takes place on Facebook, so you will need a Facebook account. In addition, we offer custom-designed challenges, live Tribals, a unique twist where you will earn advantages in the game, and episodes after the season is finished!

Hey, guys! After a great first season, Pantheon is back for its second go! Pantheon is a Survivor-based game where players will compete to earn the favor of the gods and join the Pantheon, alongside our first winner - Felix, god of the seas!

Pantheon takes place on Facebook, so you will need a Facebook account. In addition, we offer custom-designed challenges, live Tribals, a unique twist where you will earn advantages in the game, and episodes after the season is finished!

contact details and application Apply today! Season one!

If you have any questions, contact me on this account or at

Applications will close on the 28th!

the game will begin on the first Friday of January (January 5th)!

what makes pantheon different?

So, I'm sure you're wondering, what makes Pantheon unique?

  • Custom challenges! We have no flash games or any challenges with a subjective winner (i.e., judged challenges). Many of our challenges are created just for your experience in Pantheon and have been thoroughly tested by a team of elites!
  • New twists! We have redefined ways to gain advantages in the game and you will create your own relics to imbue with the powers of the gods, to aid you in your path to victory.
  • Live Underworlds! We will have a live questioning ceremony followed by a live vote reveal to air out all of your grievances and to simulate real Survivor!
  • Episodes! At the end of the season, the confessionals will be compiled and edited into a series of episodes that tell the tale of your season.

If you need help making an org fb account pm myself, coolkidrox123.

main host:

over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
wrong subforum
deletedover 6 years
i highly recommend this org i played the first season and it was super well done!! the challenges were lit 10/10 really enjoyed it
over 6 years
also ignore the timer i put in the wrong month ^^"
over 6 years