here's my favs
1/ Ulver - The Assassination of Julius Caesar
Catchy yet moody synthpop in the style of Tears for Fears or Depeche Mode from the one time black metal gods. Lyrics are occasionally a bit awkward but the arrangements are just so good that I don't think it's that much of a negative.
2/ Idles - Brutalism
Hardcore punk rage that not only is well targeted but actually comes in the form of well written songs for once.
3/ Laibach - Also Sprach Zarathustra
Laibach return to peak Wagnerian form with a fine set of sinister soundscapes.
4/ King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana
Easily their strongest of their four albums this year, for sure their least gimmicky theme and one that they manage to incorporate best into their sound.
5/ Brockhampton - Saturation II
Finally, some good fuсking hip hop for this year. Both projects are pretty good but I'm giving this one the nod by a hair.
So ye, post your top 5s, critcise my tastes or do both, whatever makes you happy!