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silly or serious trivial topic

deletedalmost 7 years

I will be answering questions about myself, my opinions, or other odd queries that are brought up.

Warning: there is a 95% chance I will be honest, so don't ask questions that you may not want the answer to

I'll also try to keep this thread somewhat updated with content to arouse your interests as well.

Happy browsing.

deletedalmost 7 years

LineLiar says


tags aren't given away cheaply, the best things in life are earned
deletedalmost 7 years

Zacharae says

" What are your most controversial opinions. "

What's most controversial depends on the audience, so when it comes to EM it'd probably have to be one of these:

-the universe is is deterministic

-vivor players overuse things like "queen" and "iconic" to the point of them being essentially meaningless and sort of annoying

-eugenics is a good thing
almost 7 years
" What are your most controversial opinions. "
deletedalmost 7 years

LineLiar says

name all the tv shows you have ever completely watched

That's tough.

Hannibal, Suits, Simpsons, Southpark, Law & Order SVU, Justified, Game of Thrones, True Detective, Scream, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Slasher, Wayward Pines, Person's Unknown, House of Cards, Archer, Bojack Horseman, Samurai Champloo, American Horror Story, Westworld, Sherlock, Black Mirror, The Good Wife

There's probably more but that's most that come to mind right now

I've also watched a ton more but not finished them due to a number of reasons, like them being sh'it or apathy
deletedalmost 7 years

Zoya says

What's your opinion on Rick and Morty

I enjoyed the show and I like spamming "I'M PICKLE RIIIIIIICK" in online games to act moronic.
deletedalmost 7 years

Zacharae says

In the fact that user Zoya is personally not wanting of the question, i'll ask another. What's your favourite thing about the Z/Z chat...

Nothing in particular sticks out in all honesty. I can't relate or immerse myself in most of the topics because I don't think I really fit the demographic nor do I know most of the people in it. But I did meet you in there and I am quite fond of you so that's a big plus.
almost 7 years
name all the tv shows you have ever completely watched
almost 7 years
What's your opinion on Rick and Morty
almost 7 years
Due to Zoya's cowardness X_X i'll ask a substitute question. What are your most controversial opinions.
almost 7 years
I am too scared to know the answer so I am going to refrain from asking
deletedalmost 7 years

Zacharae says

forrest who do you prefer? EM user zoya or myself? thank you in advance xx

I am going to refrain from answering unless Zoya requests that I answer this as well
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
forrest who do you prefer? EM user zoya or myself? thank you in advance xx