almost 7 years

so my old thread says athena is the creator and that's driving me nuts so here we go.......

im gonna put stuff i enjoy currently (in no order)



TV Show



Shawn Mendes' New Album


  Currently Reading:


     Recent cross stitch

over 6 years
I officially got a job offer in my hometown with insurance and all the adult stuff so l be moving to NY from SC on May 27th!!! Starting my new job June 5th. So excited for this new chapter!
over 6 years
I’m home visiting my fam for Easter wooooohoo, had a great day so far.. went to target and got a bunch of books

1) 101 Secrets For Your Twenties by Paul Angone
2) Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
3) The Lying Game by Ruth Ware
4) Behind Closed Doors by B.A Paris

Then went to pick up my earrings (long story but basically I lost 1 and got it duplicated with the 1 I had left) so that was a RELIEF and I cried a lot

Then we had lunch with my little cousins and my uncle at Panera, my little cousins are 6,4 and 2

Now I’m watching Guardians of the Galaxy with my mom and cross stitching lol I’m so happy to be home!!!
over 6 years
updated my current favs
over 6 years
I'm also a no sadly. I personally don't find kirby games to be challenging enough or have replay value to be worth buying at full price.
over 6 years
over 6 years
Hello should I purchase Kirby Star Allies for the switch
over 6 years
ALSO luna weighs 5.8 pounds!!!
over 6 years
i went back to work today and it was terrible BUT i made it through and didn't lose my s h i t on anyone so thats a plus...

i leave to go home for Easter on Friday morning!! got a 6am flight and cannot explain how needed it is for me to be home in NY with my family. i'm gonna miss my boy and my kitty BUT it's only for 10 days
over 6 years
ok update: went to the vet and she in fact did NOT rip the microchip out, she ripped the glue/skin and fur off making me THINK she had ripped the microchip out

so all is good folks
deletedover 6 years
omg what??? did that not hurt her??
over 6 years
my cat ripped out her microchip????

what how wtf
over 6 years

Listen to this, it'll make you feel happier!
over 6 years
So I called out of work last night bc I feel rly crappy and sick and they said I needed a note so I went to the doctor today and she said I can’t go back to work until Wednesday bc I have an upper respiratory infection and ear infection... I was supposed to work tmrw and then doubles Monday Tuesday and Wednesday..... oh boy
over 6 years
You guys know me too well LOL
over 6 years
whom is available
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
"Me after two glasses of wine: WHOM wants to see me NAKED"

over 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

What's gunna happen is gunna happen and telling yourself that whenever SAD thoughts about life pop in the head helps the brain take a chill pill. No matter what the change is, it will be ok. At the end of the day, you won't starve or die or get eaten by wild animals, so there's nothing to really worry about. If you quit a job, you don't get sentenced to death or anything, you just have to move on to something new. NEW always scares people BUT the old used to be new, and you are not dead so the new won't be that bad you see, and the new will soon be the old anyways. And if the old sucked, then the new can only be better, so everything will be great. And if your worried about it not being better, well, I CANT HELP YOU THERE, you won't know until it happens, but WHAT'S GUNNA HAPPEN IS GUNNA HAPPEN. That's called starting and closing with the same sentence boys, a high level skill.

As for that couple, karma will get them, know that.

i love monte
over 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

As for that couple, karma will get them, know that.

Hopefully this will happen to them. I'm very cynical at times, yes.
over 6 years
What's gunna happen is gunna happen and telling yourself that whenever SAD thoughts about life pop in the head helps the brain take a chill pill. No matter what the change is, it will be ok. At the end of the day, you won't starve or die or get eaten by wild animals, so there's nothing to really worry about. If you quit a job, you don't get sentenced to death or anything, you just have to move on to something new. NEW always scares people BUT the old used to be new, and you are not dead so the new won't be that bad you see, and the new will soon be the old anyways. And if the old sucked, then the new can only be better, so everything will be great. And if your worried about it not being better, well, I CANT HELP YOU THERE, you won't know until it happens, but WHAT'S GUNNA HAPPEN IS GUNNA HAPPEN. That's called starting and closing with the same sentence boys, a high level skill.

As for that couple, karma will get them, know that.
over 6 years
im in the same boat, dw, ily
over 6 years
this is rly stupid and personal so read at ur own risk


so i have anxiety and some other stupid issues w my brain that make me rly depressed and sad and anxious and last night i was having a panic attack and luna came right up to my face (she has a cone on from her spay so its extra funny) and put her face in mine and then licked me and laid down right next to me.. animals are incredible i am so blessed that i have her to help me thru my stupid brain panicking

i've had a really rough weekend... i think overall i just really miss my mom and i'm anxious about moving back home to NY in a couple months and quitting my job bc its just SUCH a huge change and last time i moved like this i went into the worst depressive episode of my LIFE... so ya just hopin it goes smoothly and everything works out

i also got stiffed today at work and the person legit laughed to their girlfriend about it.. thanks for that! ya idk anxiety sucks and if u suffer with it i love u and im here for u

over 6 years
As an expert in making money I commend your efforts
over 6 years
today was a long day but i made a lot of money so im happy lol
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

I absolutely adore your recent cross stitch

thank u so much matthew i appreciate it!! i might start selling some tbh