over 6 years

discuss the following question:

do you think you behave differently online and in real life?

another hit thread in bebop's "community questions" series

do you think you behave differently online and in real life?
i subconsciously act slightly differently online
i purposely act slightly differently online
i purposely act totally differently online
i subconsciously act totally differently online
i act exactly the same online as in real life
over 6 years

Herredy says

Succ says

i have to stop myself from writing :doge: outside of em sometimes :^)


I relate

I do it all the time.
deletedover 6 years

Succ says

i have to stop myself from writing :doge: outside of em sometimes :^)


I relate
over 6 years
hell yeah, irl I'm more of a p.u.s.s.y
deletedover 6 years

dyke says

as a closeted gay, its a nice place to be able to be open;; its a part of my identity and so I'm glad I have somewhere to talk openly ^^

omg i've been there sis amen
over 6 years
as a closeted gay, its a nice place to be able to be open;; its a part of my identity and so I'm glad I have somewhere to talk openly ^^
deletedover 6 years
yes. when i started on here i didnt have a 'character' but i soon realised i couldnt go here without some kind of armour esp since i play ranked and i wouldnt be taken srsly if i didnt build an ego.
maybe thats why ranked can be toxic and taking little breaks from time to time is good for ur brain
over 6 years
over 6 years
Any user who acts differently online than in real life is sad and pathetic. All users should worship Jamal online and offline. Commit thyself to the Holy Church of Jamal.
over 6 years
If I identified as a loaf of bread IRL, I'd be put in a mental asylum.
over 6 years
i call people fat online and i call people fat irl
over 6 years
In real life people dont act behind a mask, the mask just allows people to be as horrid as they want will no punishment.
deletedover 6 years
i already sold while it was up earlier this morning lol
over 6 years

skala says

that's because you're doing it wrong

Someone is lying to you. That stock is down.
deletedover 6 years
that's because you're doing it wrong

over 6 years
Turns out those millions of internet dollars i've been earning don't translate to real money
over 6 years
i have to stop myself from writing :doge: outside of em sometimes :^)

over 6 years
I subconsciously act slightly the same irl.

Noot noot, b!tch.
over 6 years
all i ever do online is make shît jokes i think i do that less often irl
over 6 years
irl and online life is pretty much the same except for em life. i'm rude and disgusting on em cos the rest of you are just as rude and disgusting, im just trying to fit in with the cool kids ok. the main diffs i have are i dont swear irl, only when im alone and even that is rare, i barely talk to humans irl but tbh i dont talk to people on em much either, i answer people online way more quickly than irl people, probs cos i spend my whole life on my laptop and not my phone, im really fricking polite and introverted and 'pleasant' irl unless ur my friend then u get to see my demons every now and then, i'm much less inhibited online cos im never gonna meet u aholes irl so i can say whatever i want and it wont come back to bite me in the (probably), also im not emma stone irl. u heard it here first.
over 6 years
i think im pretty much the same
over 6 years
no lol im dailyweeb but im too lazy for that now.
over 6 years
so ur Koreaboodaily
over 6 years
It depends. If my irl friends see my online personality it means im very close to em.
Im equally as hyperactive but I know irl stuff you say and doI gets judged more and affects me more. Im way less sexual irl. Rather im nun level sexual irl and im fine with it. I dont need a bf yet.
Im more open about my passions cause those r cosidered weird irl. Like anime, kpop and kdrama. Im more introverted but st the same time I can be extroverted with u irl if I like you.

And no one irl knows about my online life.
deletedover 6 years

Shoopie says

I'm a lot more serious and responsible.

I guess I use this to get my childish side out.

over 6 years
i think i act mostly the same; i'm probably a bit more reserved irl, but my tendency to not take anything seriously ever isn't entirely a persona. also i can turn into a tree at will.

the only differences are probably that i don't identify with a non-binary gender irl as my profile suggests (that was just for internet ambiguity), and i may or may not be currently parked in a mcdonald's drive-thru.

i am actually 6 years old though.