over 6 years

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Survivor Lobby Secret Santa 2017


Hi everyone! Welcome to the Survivor Lobby Wide Secret Santa!!!! On this thread I will be explaining what secret santa is, how it works, the rules, and some gift ideas to those who are feeling a bit lost but still want to participate! Let's get right into it!!!

What is Secret Santa?

Secret Santa is a fun event/activities to do with your friends around Christmas time! Each person participating will be given a name of someone else in the group who they will have to buy a present for anonymously! For this specific secret santa you will have a week to sign up and two weeks to make/find a gift!

How it works

Just comment down below and on Monday the 4th someone will receive your name and you'll receive someone elses! In the interest of giving motivation to guys to give meaningful gifts, once you sign up you will be assorted into different groups of friend groups, this will hopefully prevent you from having to give a gift to someone you don't know well, or don't know at all. If you think I don't know you that well, or want a higher chance of giving a gift to someone you like (not guaranteed), you can request to be in the same group as someone! This can be along with your comment or in PMs! An example would be:

Gift Ideas:

It can be difficult finding gifts for people, especially when you don't have the money to back up for a lot of them


So here are some cute and free gift ideas!

  • Make them a playlist
  • Give them a drawing you made
  • Write them a poem (gift idea from Forrest)
  • Write them a letter
  • Make them a slideshow full of gifs that remind you of them
  • Make them a slideshow full of anything nice!
  • Pass on your best Christmas Recipes
  • Make them a game using something like scratch!
  • Give them some links or discount codes to shops who are having sales!
  • Give them links to cheap stores that you usually shop at!

Gifts are due on the 15th of December

A Final Note

I am your personal, secret, messenger which means if you have any questions for your person, let me know and I can find out the answer for you! Another thing that me and my friends do every year, is we write secret notes and codes to our person! Either hinting them towards who we are, the gift we're giving them, or just writing plain nice things to them! Feel free to send those through me too :-)

TLDR; Comment down below, you'll get given a name on Monday 4th (December), and you have to have your gift ready by Friday 15th. DO NOT TELL ANYONE WHOSE SECRET SANTA YOU ARE!!!

We'll be having a gift giving ceremony on Friday 15th at 6pm EST on discord, so feel free to join the chat. We'll be accompanied by Christmas music!



ps. if u can't comment then pm me!

By signing up to participate
12 signed
I promise that I am READY to be a Secret Santa
How will you be spending your Christmas?
Eating food with friends/family
Spending time with friends/family
Listening to Christmas bops with friends/family
Playing cricket on the beach with friends/family
Watching Christmas specials with friends/family
Giving gifts to friends/family
over 6 years
I’m really doing this on phone just for you Tara, count me in
over 6 years
yes i'm in!!
deletedover 6 years
me please!!
over 6 years

tillie says

R0ronoaZoro says

I'll join. May I ask why you decided to make the deadline the 15th though?

ooh ya i was thinking of doing it on monday the 18th, but i thought it was a bit too close to christmas n thought ppl would b kinda busy around then

gotcha makes sense
over 6 years
i'm down
deletedover 6 years
i'll sign up!
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

I'll join. May I ask why you decided to make the deadline the 15th though?

ooh ya i was thinking of doing it on monday the 18th, but i thought it was a bit too close to christmas n thought ppl would b kinda busy around then
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
I would like to join :D
over 6 years
sign me up!
over 6 years
im inn
over 6 years
i'll sign up <3
deletedover 6 years
i'd love to join!!
over 6 years
me please even if i'm sitebanned i can still give someone a gift and vice verse
over 6 years
heyyyoyooooo im rdy to party
over 6 years
I'll join. May I ask why you decided to make the deadline the 15th though?
over 6 years
I want to partake
over 6 years
over 6 years
omg yes i hope someone who hates me gets me (very likely chance) :D
over 6 years
Cool i'm in!
over 6 years
sure h0n
over 6 years
over 6 years
Sign me up!
deletedover 6 years
umm why wasn't my idea of a shrine included? also sign me up <3
over 6 years
sign me up!