Excuse me, I'm not a toss account. But I suppose the late Ra1nyDay, as well as her cousins F0ggyDay, mtlve, mt01, townyyy, townyyy01, SunSh1nes, dr3amer, Fa1ryTales, W1ndyDay, St0rmyDay, mtlver, Sn0wyDay, H3atWave and S1337 may be part of the w3ather ring.
If you ban the trolls you won't have a competitive round at all.
deletedover 7 years
there should be an "extra points setting" where games get double points if a. someone gets a kudo, or b. if it is one of the 5 best games (as determined by mods) for gameplay.
Okay, then we need to restrict it to one vio since the liberal way didn't work well. P.S I know a lot of users that can still play in comp regardless the amount of their vios per round. Looks like it's not an automatic script, it's done by a mod/admin manually, which sucks.