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Big Brother - Rome

over 6 years

Welcome to Rome

Republic is crumbling down and like a murder of hungry crows searching for carrion every power figure in Rome is out to take their own piece of plunder. While less ambitious are fighting over governorships or farm lands some in Senate with much more insight have a much bigger target... To become the first Emperor of a newly found Roman Empire, rising from the ashes of Republic.

And you can be one of those senators.

Main Twist - Consulships

This will be a Big Brother game with one main twist: Instead of a regular HoH, first and second top scorers of HoH challenge will become First and Second Consuls, respectively.

First Consul:

  • Decides the first nomination of the day.

  • Is guaranteed to play in PoV game

  • Is banned from becoming a Consul following day.

  • Does not have a vote in eviction.

Second Consul:

  • Decides the second nomination of the day.

  • Is not guaranteed to play in PoV game.

  • Is not banned from becoming a Consul following day.

  • Does not have a vote in eviction.

This twist will last until Praetor(Jury) Phase. There will be also other twists awaiting Senators in their deadly fight for the Throne of Rome.

Saturday, 2nd of December, 7 PM ET - 18/18

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will ties get resolved until Praetor Phase?

To break a tie, Consuls must agree on an evictee in unison. If they can't, then they will play RPS and winner will get tiebreaker.

over 6 years
i'll tentatively reserve :-) looking forward to seeing how it turns out!!