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Dynamical Systems Theory

over 6 years

I mailed this to somebody because I knew it would be long, but, wasn't sure they would reply or read it, so decided not to let it completely go to waste and write it here.

My brand of social engineering is kind of similar to how ants behave in an ant pile. Allow me to explain. How does a farmer ant know that it needs to be a farmer? This is very simple. Ants are stupid creatures to be honest, but, the method they use to decide what they will do is what ends up being the genius of the ant pile.

If an ant walks by say, fifty ants, and only two of them had emitted farmer ant pheromones, this means that that ant will become a farmer. It changes its patterns and routines, as well as the pheromones it secretes. This is how stupid ants end up managing.

In the case of my methods of social engineering, it's very similar. Unlike ant roles, I use what I see being presented (4chan, 8chan, ect.) and notice that there is a lack of one thing or the other, which is my primary focus. I also take note of new content and its implications.

Here is something interesting. Cold fusion, an extremely simple idea for creating a fusion generator that can fit into a car, is currently being attacked by corporate lobbyist in the automotive, oil, and power companies for whatever reason, just so nobody will attempt to make an actual large scale version, despite there being a few hundred existing small scale ones in various labs around the world, including one in Israel, that are using successful cold fusion methods. Not a single person on this planet gives a about it, but, what do they give you about? "Syria just killed American backed terrorist". So what do I do about it? I try to present my information in a similar entertaining manner by pretending to be somebody I'm not. "I work for OMZ and recently during a meeting, we were talking about using cold fusion. There is a functioning business model which produces so much energy, that if we were to implement such a system, we would no longer receive as much subsidy from the US annually because we would no longer need as much money to keep ourselves going. If it wasn't for this, we would have clean energy by now with no biproduct for making nuclear weapons with."

See what I did there? I was full of the entire time, but, entertaining enough to present the idea of cold fusion. Why? Because not enough people care. If I go too long without hearing about block chain democracy and things of this nature, what do I do? Make up. Of course there is more to my system then this. Some people don't make up for example and I try to copy and paste the way they said what they said. Here is an example of that.

"I put this here because I didn't want anybody to see what I wrote, but, didn't want to fade away without people knowing how my life was. This is perhaps one of my most personal documents I'v ever written and makes me shake when I read it."

Sure, somebody wrote that and was 100% serious and nobody will ever care or find that once in a life time read, but, it doesn't go to waste. I copy it and paste it before writing anything else.

The last two things I'm very concerned with is honey pots which involves a lot of copy paste and data mining in order to keep up with (Never underestimate the power of copy paste) and data mining the reactions of the people from the community relative to the copy pasta.

I also sometimes completely lie about something because someone said too much and didn't realize what they were doing, causing me to pretend I knew the rest of the story they didn't say and they end up having to either correct me, attack me for telling the truth, or attack me for lying. For example, let us say you said that you were going to the club this afternoon. Being the that I am, I might end up saying that you are going to the club this afternoon with your new girlfriend. Perhaps I don't know if this is true or not, but, you would and if I said it with conviction and it could directly effect your communication, social status, or performance in other areas in any way, you would have to correct me or risk having to deal with a very passive indirect attack.

This is what I really have more of an interest in because I end up getting more closure from the news I teach myself, then I do from the news other people put out there that is clearly tailored to the selfish interest of a few rich people that will be dead soon, but, want to kill us all when they die if they could.

I started only recently getting into dynamic systems theory, literally yesterday in fact, because lately I'v been concerned with designing systems for optimization of time, space, cost, and quality of product(minimal life expectancy for performance after production). Someone brought up this design for a mining drill which is a strait line of drills connected to a rotational cylindrical tube that keeps it stable as it slowly drops deeper into the ground, making a circle and drilling up all the rocks as it goes for making a vertical shaped tunnel and possibly a cheap and easy to maintain horizontal tunnel drill. The design was so "cheap" at the cost of throughput, but, overall, still cheap because you didn't need as much labor to maintain the entire system. That's when someone started bringing this kind of thing up and I was actually looking for this study and didn't have a name for it, yet, here it is. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you.

deletedover 6 years
I read it Last. I just couldn't think of how to reply because I would feel inferior if I did.
over 6 years
i didn't read this but i want you to know that i like your name
over 6 years
A+ (autism)