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Jump In Jeopardy! Episode 2

over 7 years

Want to earn tokens answering tough trivia questions and showing off in front of the rest of Sandbox? Well, we gave a few out on Friday.

But if you want to do it AGAIN then the game will begin THIS FRIDAY, November 17, at 8PM EST! If you want to play, all you need to do is be watching this thread at that time. See you then!


Six categories. Each category has five questions, or "clues". The easiest ones are worth $200, the hardest are worth $1000.

Somebody picks a category and a dollar amount. The clue is revealed. First person to buzz in and correctly answer it in the thread wins the amount and gets to pick again. Buzz in and get it wrong, and you lose that amount.

You must phrase your responses in the form of a question. ("Who is..?.", "What is...?", etc.) When you buzz in, you must also include your pick for the next category.

Daily Doubles

One clue is a "Daily Double". The player who picks it gets a special clue only they can answer; they choose how much of their score to bet.

Double Jeopardy!

After the first board is completed, a second board is played. Dollar values are doubled, and there are two Daily Doubles on the board instead of one.

Final Jeopardy!

After two rounds players will be given a chance to bet part of their score on one final clue. The category is revealed to aid the players. Unlike other rounds, bets are made via PM instead of in the thread

Once the bets are in, the clue is revealed, and all players will have 5 minutes to PM the host their answer. Right answers win the bet, wrong answers lose it.

Highest score at the end wins the game.

Jumping in

If you know the answer, just buzz in before anybody else does. You should be able to jump in and out of the game at pretty much any time without too much trouble. But be warned--the game is going to move quick!

  • If a revealed clue is not answered within 5 minutes, we'll just move on to the next clue down in the category. If it's the last clue in the category, we'll go to the top of the next one.
  • If you pick a Daily Double but don't wager within 5 minutes, your bet defaults to 1/2 your score.
  • If a Daily Double isn't answered in 5 minutes, it counts a wrong answer.


  • 1st place: 40 tokens
  • 2nd place: 20 tokens
  • Door prize: Everybody with at least one correct response will be entered in a random drawing for 20 tokens.


LET IT SNOW [---] [---] [---] [---] [---]

FAMOUS HORSEMEN [---] [---] [---] [---] [---]

AN ALBUM COVER [---] [---] [----] [----] [---]

CATCH THESE MEN [---] [---] [---] [---] [---]

THERAPISTS [---] [---] [---] [---] [---]

THE “PEN” IS MIGHTIER [---] [---] [---] [---] [---]

over 7 years

LHarney says

what is an acupuncturist? therapists 2000


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nepenthe says

what is acupuncturer? therapy 2000

Lobo says

what is accupuncturer?? catch 400

No, it's a 13-letter word :-)
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what is an acupuncturist? therapists 2000
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what is accupuncturer?? catch 400
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xtal says

what is acupuncture ? catch 1600

feist says

what is accupuncture? therapists 2000

Sorry, no
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what is acupuncturer? therapy 2000
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what is accupuncture? therapists 2000
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who i s dr phil therapists 800

Right, this is therapists for 800, pick again
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feist says

what is mounted police? therapists 800

RIght, though we would have accepted all of those

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what are the royal canadian mounted police

therapists 800
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wgat are Royal Canadian Mounted Police ? catch 1600
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Catch the semen $1200
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what are cossacks ? horseman 1200

Correct and now you're approaching lobo and nepenthe

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