Welcome to the Epic Mafia Song Contest, a game where EM users anonymously compete against each other to win the hearts of listeners all around. Anyone can join as long as you submit a YouTube link of your song choice to THE HOST.
Here's the rules:
Songs must be between 30 seconds and 6 minutes long, unless the round theme calls for longer or shorter songs.
Artists are allowed one song per round. Songs that have been used in previous rounds may not be reused.
Entrants must PM their song to the host for a chance to play. *Do not post it in the thread.*
Entrants must vote on all other songs using the points 12, 10, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. One song will get 12 points, one will get 10 etc. All other songs will get 0 points. Failure to vote will result in disqualification; repeated instances result in a ban.
You cannot vote for your own entry.
People who have not joined the round may vote in the jury using the same scoring system.
The entrants' songs will remain anonymous until the results are released.
The entry with the most points will win and go into the hall of fame!
Since the playlist stopped working and I'm gonna wait for the user who requested an extension. If the other 2 people who haven't voted yet plan on voting let me know, otherwise it'll end when they submit