over 6 years

hey pals i have a suggestion for sandbox

i just want to preface this by saying i don't have a problem with anyone, you're all beautiful people and things are fine as they are, i just thought this might be fun and liven things up a little

ok so what if we voted on a sandbox owner every 2 months

it doesn't have to be a new owner, just whoever has the most support, and if it seems like the current owner and a new candidate have about the same support it goes to the newbie (to prevent business as usual)

idk how you guys like voting on stuff you can figure that out but the general idea is just a bimonthly election

what do you think
sounds neat
no thanks
over 6 years
im secretly the one in charge here
over 6 years
over 6 years
bebop wants you to think he's giving you 10 upvotes but in reality he's cleverly utilizing power dynamics to solidify in your mind that he's worth 10 upvotes, and that you're the one seeking his approval for coveted upvotes not the other way around

real mods are even more dangerous than role mods because it's less obvious that their sole purpose is to subjugate us and actually moderating is just a distraction from upvoting
over 6 years

cub says

bebop is lying to you the real answer is post smugly on forums with a star by their name to feel superior

this too
over 6 years
bebop is lying to you the real answer is post smugly on forums with a star by their name to feel superior
over 6 years

YellowPear says

Ally says

it's really hard to make sure that the voting isn't trolled though or that people don't vote for their circlejerk friends

i think someone brought up a "board" of people helping decide and i still think that's a good idea, it could be comprised of past lobby owners/mods/etc, the current lobby owner would also have a say

i agree with lobby owner being changed semi-frequently though it stops things from getting stale!!!

i know this has nothing to do with the thread but i wanted to know, what does a role moderator do?

handles cheating investigations in main lobby's competitive rounds
over 6 years

Ally says

it's really hard to make sure that the voting isn't trolled though or that people don't vote for their circlejerk friends

i think someone brought up a "board" of people helping decide and i still think that's a good idea, it could be comprised of past lobby owners/mods/etc, the current lobby owner would also have a say

i agree with lobby owner being changed semi-frequently though it stops things from getting stale!!!

i know this has nothing to do with the thread or what you said but i wanted to know, what does a role moderator do?
over 6 years
i think sandbox should be ruled by a shadow government which props up puppet owners to distract the public from what's really going on
over 6 years
i don't think there's anything wrong with the same owner being around for long periods, but they should be someone who actively uses the lobby and does things to keep the place entertaining, like cub did before she stepped down
over 6 years
^honesy I was reluctant to share my opinion Bc of that lmao
over 6 years
i think that this is a lame idea but

dooze says

Like nothing stops the owner from stopping it from happening

oh the irony
over 6 years

Ally says

i think someone brought up a "board" of people helping decide and i still think that's a good idea, it could be comprised of past lobby owners/mods/etc, the current lobby owner would also have a say

this would be the only good way of having people vote for it
over 6 years
I think the period should be extended from 2 months to maybe 4 or 5? Or make it biannual?
deletedover 6 years
it's really hard to make sure that the voting isn't trolled though or that people don't vote for their circlejerk friends

i think someone brought up a "board" of people helping decide and i still think that's a good idea, it could be comprised of past lobby owners/mods/etc, the current lobby owner would also have a say

i agree with lobby owner being changed semi-frequently though it stops things from getting stale!!!
over 6 years
how about

no owners
over 6 years

Negra says

Owner should be whoever wins the yearly sandbox superlatives

in 3 out of the 4 years including this one, the sandbox owner at the time won the "best user overall" award
over 6 years
It'd also be difficult to have the change without some sort of regiment? Like nothing stops the owner from stopping it from happening, or changing around the rules, and then it'll just be annoying if we need weekly admin intervention
over 6 years
Owner should be whoever wins the yearly sandbox superlatives
over 6 years

lozershus says

i dont get it, what does the owner really do?

feeds and clothes us
over 6 years
i dont get it, what does the owner really do?
over 6 years
we do need a new owner though and im not the only one who thinks this despite what some people seem to think
over 6 years
every time owner switching season comes up it totally consumes the lobby and everyone's always discontent with stuff at that time, I don't think it'd work because people will always vote their friends or themselves over an actual good option, the aforementioned chaos that comes with switching owners often, the fact that nothing stops someone refusing to comply once they are passed the lobby, and other stuff pushed me towards saying no to owner elections.
over 6 years

dooze says

Lmao ^^^

While I think this is a great idea, I'm concerned about how voting wil go to really prevent people from cheating and I don't think we can trust that people will not vote for their friends. Idk. Totally dependent on execution

yeah but like what's the difference

same thing just bimonthly instead of virtually forever
over 6 years
i like this idea but i feel like everyones gonna do what dooze says
over 6 years
Lmao ^^^

While I think this is a great idea, I'm concerned about how voting wil go to really prevent people from cheating and I don't think we can trust that people will not vote for their friends. Idk. Totally dependent on execution