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deletedabout 7 years

I think Charley pretends to be hacked so she can get away with gamethrowing and harrasment!! I think it's honestly preposition that Charley can get reported for gamethrowing, and then someone can just no vio it withoyt proof because she is a mod and she claims to be hacked.

SEE THESE GAMES where Charley very clearly gamethrew and trolled! any other user would get vio:

AND THIS POST. These are really messed up things to say:

How can Charley get hacked so many times¿? Maybe she is sharing accounts with banned users??? Because I don't see it as plosible that someone can get h4xx3d so much and not take safety measures agianst it...

And who has the time and resources to hack someone so much?? Wouldn't they be JAILED??

I think it's much less far fetch to think that Charley is faking h4xx3d and there's a collision of mod power.

But that's just a theory! A F0ggy theory!

5 signed
Does Charley fake being h4xx3d?
deletedabout 7 years
you have to try less for tongue in cheek humor to work
deletedabout 7 years
Charley is lying. What a liar! I caught her lie because I tried to log in to her account and found out she was lying!
about 7 years
its ilovejess'sboobsbecauseihaveabiglesbiancrushonher
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
Sky's password #2yung3die
about 7 years
Isn't it known that charley openly account shares with that rednose kid
deletedabout 7 years
I have a few guesses at charley's current pw. "jessilove" "loveujess" "jessislove" "notilovejess".

(This is sarcasm btw, please don't hurt me charley. ;( I just wanna make light of this bs drama)
about 7 years
Simply logging out is all that is needed to reset the session for your account, so always do that after you change your password.
about 7 years
If the sessions are reset before your password is changed then there is a small window during which an attacker could log back in using the old pw and get a new session.
deletedabout 7 years
Be that as it may, as the official moderator checks and balances system, I declare your complaint invalid.
deletedabout 7 years

sky says

i asked you on skype what they were buddy but you didnt reply and my password was hard this time xx

I doubt they're guessing your password lmao
deletedabout 7 years
Recidivisim is just a mod plant to make the report system seem lgitimate. Everyone knows he is just charley's lapdog!
deletedabout 7 years

F0ggyDay says

wow, now she gets her mod friends to mod abuse for her and no vio her report even though she CLEARLY admitted to puttig up pr0n for fun!

As the official mediator of complaints, as per the description in the complaints forum, I too declare this a no-vio. It appears your grievance has been put through the proper channels, and failed.
about 7 years
i changed it like 5 times after
about 7 years
Did the sessions get reset before or after you changed your password?
about 7 years
i asked you on skype what they were buddy but you didnt reply and my password was hard this time xx
deletedabout 7 years
wow, now she gets her mod friends to mod abuse for her and no vio her report even though she CLEARLY admitted to puttig up pr0n for fun!
deletedabout 7 years
Xxerox is so adorable. Come here champ, let me ruffle your hair. But the grown ups are talking right now though, so go play with toys.
about 7 years
So Charley have you installed those scripts yet?
about 7 years

sky says

...ya nathans had my password before not when i was hacked lmao

about 7 years
Scripts cannot be run by clicking links anyway.

It's not possible for them to still have access to your account if sessions were reset AND you changed your password to something that isn't easily guessable.
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years

sky says

i was admin when they hacked me the first time xxerox keep up. We think they still had access from the first hack because i dont click links.

So again, why they never hack Nathan.
about 7 years
i was admin when they hacked me the first time xxerox keep up. We think they still had access from the first hack because i dont click links.