EpicMafia user MATT is defaming my good friend Cl0udyyy on the forums. He alleges that he is a gamethrowing account. There is no evidence for this!!! He has over 300 games and NO VIOLATIONS AT ALL, with only a few reports (NONE OF WHICH GOT VIOS!!)
For those who say he should be banned, it is a transgression of powers to ban a user who has ABSOLUTELY NO VIOS AT ALL. For Cl0udyyy to be banned, he would have to accumulate 3 GT / trolling vios or 8 violations total... which he is really far away from!!! It would be totally against the rules to ban him, and breaking the rules is bad. EpicMafia has rules to ensure it is a fun, friendly community for all and corrupt moderators and toxic players really break that atmosphere.
I find it despicable that you are all talking smack about Cl0udyy on the forums. For one, he's freaking little kid! He's literally just an 11 year old who likes to play Epic Mafia for FUN. This community should be FUN and welcoming for new players. Also, he is an ESL speakr and plays EpicMafia to LEARN ENGLISH and you are beign really rude by saying he is stupid for playing bad!! hE's trying his besr!