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Virtue's Last Reward 2

almost 7 years

Tartosis won the first game. It was okay.

Due to school, rounds will be weekly, meaning you have a whole week to turn in a choice.

This will be a 9 player game. Each player will start off with 3 BP (Bracelet points). The objective of the game is to get 9 BP.

Every round, there will be 7 players playing solo, and 2 players playing paired. The two players being paired will be different every round. Each round, players will have a different opponent, that opponent being randomized. For example:

Player A vs Player C

Player B vs Player D

Player E vs Player G

Player F vs Player H and Player I

During every round, you will have to choose between ally or betray. If Player A and Player C both choose to ally, both players will gain 2 points. If Player A and Player C both choose to betray, both will gain no points. If Player A chooses to betray and Player C chooses to ally, Player A will gain 2 points and Player C will lose 3 points.

For pairs: both players must agree on either ally or betray. If they cannot agree on a choice before the round is over, then the choice will be neutral, and the opponent will gain 2 points for choosing ally, or 3 points for choosing betray.

If a player does not turn in their choice in time, it will automatically be ally.

If a player's BP goes below 0, they will die and be out of the game.

Since I have school, rounds will be weekly. Meaning the time frame to send in your choice will most likely be from Sunday to Saturday, a whole 7 days. Results of every battle will be revealed to everyone on Saturday, and so will be the next match up.

If you're interested in playing this, just PM me or reserve in comments.

tl;dr, same rule except this time If you betray and someone allies, betrayer gets 2 points and ally loses 3 points.


  1. Knife

  2. Marry








almost 7 years

marry says

hell yes when is it

right after enough people reserve
almost 7 years
hell yes when is it
almost 7 years
this sounds fun! reserving!