the problem with the movie troy was how little importance the gods had. i suppose it makes sense from a realistic point of view, and even from their point of view if they didn't realize that zeus was causing this etc etc but still the gods were such a massive part of the story. but hector v achilles was such a good fight
deletedabout 7 years
Odysseus is The Man for sure.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer the movie Troy to The Iliad though.
When Hector ran in circles to get away from Achilles like a loony tune character, I felt like I was watching Muhammad Ali quit the match mid-round.
First The Iliad, then Japanese Internment Camps, then the Sandcreek Massacre
I have to do this all before I pack for the days long field trip I need to wake up at 5 AM for tomorrow, on which not a single good looking woman is attending.