This guy is hands down the most amazing player I've seen on this site with the exception of possibly HighSpace. Dylan is a strategic mastermind and Kandy is a social goddess and Rob is a physical god. But Voice is good in all 3 of those departments. His social game, absolutely KILLER. It's so good I feel like sometimes he's messaging 20 people at once. He's just that responsive. It's so easy for people to trust him and it's so easy for everyone to become Voice's putty. His strategic game is off the chain as well. He is so smart. Only reason he's not a 10 is because he enters the game with an enormous target on his back, and that is inevitable every time because he's just so damn good. He has the most trophies by far and he's been able to trophy in everything. When we hosted competitive survivor in a format that mirrored main lobby he trophied there. He's also trophied in trophy games AND in ORGs. He's been here since Generation 2 and has adapted to each set of new players that has come and been a domineering force even still to this day. And he is the only person to receive a 10 in any category throughout this ranking, but his physical game is absurd. If Voice gets in trouble, his physical game can save him and carry him to the end. He is absurdly fast. He is also very smart. He is capable of processing things so fast that he beasts darn near every challenge the Survivor Lobby offers. With all this said, out of all 30 players here, Voice is hands down the best and of the 2 best this lobby has ever seen.
Thanks for following this and be sure to check out eat's rankings as well as pod's for their perspectives on players in this lobby!
Zoro is a player that's been around for ages. He is a fantastic player. Unfortunately, one of the reasons he does not make it to the top of the list is because he low efforts a good chunk of games. His social game is fairly strong. It's easy to talk to him. How can you not like Matthew? He's one of the nicest dudes here. Always has been. Always will be. This guy however is the absolute MASTER at playing under the radar. He is very good at playing a quiet but very strong game. I mean, it's netted him three gold trophies in a game he rarely plays! His physical is very strong even if people don't see it. It's because he is the absolute master at not appearing like a physical threat when he's a force to not be messed with! So with all this said you get 2nd place but 1st place goes to the one and only Voice!
"Why the heck am I cut from the list. This list is total BS right now, because you said multiple times things like "if you make the final 3" or "if you win" both of which I did, and I get LAST on your list, and HEDGER(just an example) get's in scot free, when he just came back? That's personal bias and isn't all-stars at all, I heard you asked "me or xMeow", that's not right, that's a popularity class! I know you are probably going to share this with everyone and laugh about it, but seriously, that is huge personal bias and BS. DO NOT COPY THIS AND SHARE IT"
hedger's been here for ages. And still proves to be the competent player he was when he first joined the site. Sometimes his social game is a bit lacking. It's my worst part as well. Sometimes I just can't be f*cked with people and I'm sure he's the same way. Although he's very smart. He knows how to approach the game and how to make it to the endgame with little to no blood on his hands. He's just that crafty. He is currently the winner of the biggest Survivor Lobby game every played. FORTY-EIGHT PLAYERS!!!!!!!! hedger won it all! He was also the winner of I believe it was HighSpace's Big Brother Allstars. He won it after a giant hiatus and epic comeback. A stellar player honestly. And his physical game is absolutely scary. Can dominate his way through the entire game with ease. Sometimes that isn't what he does though because challenge threats get targeted and he's aware of this. Congrats on your top 3 placement!