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The Resistance Game 5

deletedover 6 years

With the last game just finishing I thought it would be good for your merlin to lead the game of game 5! Will good continue the hot streak or evil come back to win again!

7 good guys 4 evil peoples

6 players are needed to accept or reject any mission

Rules here:

Game status: GG!

If you want to see how Missions go here's a live link:

over 6 years
id prefer scott/tillie/matt
over 6 years
yeah this is getting accepted super quickly KSDHFDS
over 6 years
It's quite interesting to see that despite 2 of matt's scumreads accepting the mission, he doesn't feel compelled to switch out one of bryce/tillie for scott
over 6 years
accept i guess, even though i don't know about bryce...
over 6 years

this is getting accepted way too fast. it makes me wary but i think i'm gonna trust my reads this time.
over 6 years
And arisuu accepted...ugh
over 6 years
All the people on this mission for me are either neutral to leaning good so I will accept
deletedover 6 years
accept ig
over 6 years

Let's see what happens
over 6 years

Friendly reminder that if this does not go through that this upcoming mission will have to or else scum will score one point. If you decline this mission, I need a very good reason or I might just treat it as a scum claim.
over 6 years
Okay im doing bryce tillie matt thanks for the input
over 6 years
Ideally, you accept this mission so you can accept mine

If we get two successful missions in a row, it means we can win the game on mission 4

I think the plan is bryce will do 3/4 of himself, me, tillie, and scott and then I'll do all 4 of us
over 6 years
Basically if this mission gets decline, mine will have to go through or else evil scores
deletedover 6 years
Bryce you're up!
over 6 years
You me or tillie

Or you me and Scott

I'll let you pick
over 6 years
but also i think that most people tr me <3 and i tr'd tillie for stopping her earlier mission. And i thought that matt was also tr so!
over 6 years
Okay matt whats your ideal team?
over 6 years
It would likely require bryce to not put himself on it though, but who knows who is matt's ideal team!
over 6 years
If matt tells bryce who to put on it and bryce follows through, I will accept bryce's mission.
over 6 years
If I made a mission with me tillie and matt on it what would you everyone but highspace think?
over 6 years
I don't trust matt, and so my thinking is that if everyone wants to put him on the first mission, might as well hand him leadership so that in the event he's scum, it makes it that much harder for him to get out of it without looking like obvious scum
over 6 years
ok lowkey can we accept this mission. like even if matt tells bryce who to put on it or scott tells bryce or whoever we all tr. we need 2 get a move on !!!!!
over 6 years
I would reject it so that matt has full control over the first mission
over 6 years
If I made a mission with me tillie and matt on it what would you guys think?
over 6 years
So, the only reason FDP would make an all-town mission as scum here, is to wifom. I don't trust FDP and therefore don't trust his team.

If FDP is town that happens to make a town team, then cool? But I'd rather see matt make a team.
