over 6 years

BB43 now

When I host this game it'll have been like, 6* months since I last hosted a big brother game. Let's do it

on reschedule time again

It's for however many people show up, if 8 people show up. 8 people are playing. if 40 show up. then 40 will play. idc, i can handle it all

Just going to be your every day Big Brother, I ain't in no mood to twist this one up.

i'll give the winner some kind of award

if ya comment i'll put your name on the thread like it really matters or something! :)

happy - pod - picante - Ally - UltraAug - eat - fdp - jessys - qrstuv - guy who thinks this is all stars - bboy thinks this is a reserve list :3 - my alt lzzy! - evolpz (bleep) - lharney the pro bumped - hardcarry (deleted)

stop hosting
4 signed
pls ljn
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
i guess i can bump this