almost 7 years

Partying! Friendships! Good times!

You and your friends are enjoying the trip of a lifetime as you aboard a cruise to set across the Pacific! Everything appears to be going well until a brutal storm occurs, leaving everyone to go off course and nearly get lost at sea!

Thankfully, most of you survive yet lose hope until you see a glimmer of hope...

As your ship crashes the shores, you all realize that not only are you in uncharted territory, but that you have no means of making it back to civilization. On the bright side, it seems you and your friends find yourselves stranded until you can get rescued.

As the days go on, however, not only does paranoia, suspicion, and divides set in, but so does the realization that you all are not alone....with the many obstacles this island has to offer, soon you all realize that not only will you need to do what it takes to last until rescue, but you must also test your own will to survive against unknown threats- including each other.

Get lost on Friday, October 6th at 8:00pm EST!


  • This is set to be an interactive game, which means the way things play out will be shaped by you guys
  • It's a partial theme so expect a narrative!
  • Will include some decision making from all the players!
  • It is possible to have no survivors...and possibly up to half of you to survive
  • To clarify, decision making tactics will be carried out by stating the choices and having an allotted time to whisper me a choice between.
  • My concern for meta may or may not cause this to be anonymous, but opinions on that will be greatly appreciated and taken into consideration!

Excepting up to 24 players for the time being!


  1. marry
  2. MegaRaptor789
  3. sodadoda1
  4. Vibrage
  5. bryce1997
  6. Spadez0
  7. asthmagod
  8. tillie
  9. xSoniaNeverMindx
  10. MonteCarrlo
  11. LelenasChild
  12. BblgumLoli
  13. ZodiacBeast
  14. jbomber732
  15. FFSierraDamnThomas
  16. freshman
  17. Cammy
  18. FireDragonPrince
  19. Dunn
  20. angkoror
  21. Happy0wns
  22. Picante
  23. Ginga
  24. flippo135

Potential Last Minute Replacements!

  1. Litttle
  2. CJKelly
  3. evolpz
  4. peanus
Can you survive Paradise?
I'm the one who dies on the boat
I don't have friends
Is this a Lost sequel?
I'll kill my friends
If I can survive school, I can survive this!
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
can i reserve if possible :3
over 6 years
over 6 years
Bump on the road
over 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
This looks great, I'm gonna have to tenta because I kinda play spontaneously but, Chris' narrative games are the best you can play.
over 6 years
DAMN IT CJ reserve -.-
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
sorry, gonna have to unreserve
almost 7 years
Sign me up
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
This sounds awesome, reserve
almost 7 years
Just so you guys have an idea of how this may go, there will be instances where I give a scenario and you have to decide between two choices. In addition to this, some scenarios may call for one person while some may call for a group of people. In addition, some decisions could have good intentions or bad intentions that could have positive or negative aftereffects


You are with your friends along a dirt road when one of you (a selected player) decides to reveal a knife. As everyone else panics, you realize you have one of two options- Go crazy and stab someone or insist that you will only use it for protecting the group.

Should you go crazy, you inevitably will end up snapping, resulting in the death of someone of your own choosing before either getting grouped on by everyone else or doing whatever. Should you insist to use it only for protection, then, should your group be faced with a newfound threat of a bear or in need of food, you will be the one who manages to face said threat or find food to help you live longer.

These of course are just mere examples, but yeah, I am hopeful that it paints the picture a little better.

***It will be possible for good things to happen with bad decisions and vice versa!
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Reserve bby xx
almost 7 years
This is a remade forum. Original had Survivor on it so I just recreated and then deleted that one
almost 7 years
what happened to my comment about emmy winning fan favorite amazing TV show LOST
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
hell yeah