about 7 years

Some like him, some hate him.

Personally, given that I have a massive strategic game much like Paul he is an absolute idol of mine and it pained me in the gut to watch him lose twice.

Communities like tengaged, however, are all happy that he lost twice because of his poor jury management.

What do you guys think?

Should Paul have won his Big Brother seasons?
No, Paul deserved to lose both his seasons.
Paul deserved BB19 but not BB18.
Yes, Paul should've won both his seasons.
Paul deserved BB18 but not BB19.
about 7 years
There are several problems with this.

#1 - Why are you still on tengaged?

#2 - You can play the best game in the world but if you incite bullying circles as a means to get further in the game, especially when you didn't have to, it's hard to argue for someone like that to win.

#3 - Paul should never be your gameplay idol boi