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ELO Rating System

almost 7 years

Link to the Rankings and Game History:

What is this?

Starting Friday September 15, I will be keeping track of every Survivor and Big Brother Games.

Everyone will start with an ELO rating of 1000.

When you place in the top 50%, your ELO will increase, and when you place in the bottom 50%, your ELO will decrease.

After 30 Days, the person with the highest ELO will win $25 from me and all the bragging rights!

The game must be either Survivor, or Big Brother. It cannot be TWL, TAR, or any other game variant. The size of the games must have 10 players or more or it will not be ranked for this system.

This system is just for fun, and I'm excited to see how this turns out. Ci'ere did this back in 2015 when cosmoiswatching dominated many games. (I dont know if he actually won or just did very good)

This system will last from Morning games on Friday September 15, and ends whatever game is hosted before Sunday October 15 turns to Monday.

Further explanation of how ELO rating works:

I take account of few things:

1) Your current ELO against the Game's Average ELO.
2) The Size of the Game you played in.
3) You actual placement in those games.

Let say you played well in the past, and increased your ELO to 1200. Then you are placed in a game filled with players who didnt do so quite good. The game's Average ELO is around 1000. If you win, you wont gain as much points as someone who's current ELO is around 900. However, if you perform badly, you will lose much more points than those who would lose with 900 ELO. This is also true for opposite. A player with low ELO in higher Average ELO games will win a lot more points if they won the game compared to others, and lose less points compared to others if they get really early boot.

Game Size MATTERS! You will gain a lot more points if you win larger games, like 20 players compared to a smaller games like 12 players. You also loses a lot more points if you perform badly in larger games compared to smaller games.

Maximum amount of points you can get for 10 players game is 25 points! For each additional players, you add 5 points to the maximum points. So for a 14 players game, it would be 45 points, and for 19, it would be 70 points. This is before scaling your current ELO against the Average ELO. So you CAN get more than the maximum value if you pull an upset victory or flops in low ELO games.

1st place would gain the maximum value ELO while the first boot would lose the maximum value ELO. Most of the times, if you place in the top 50% but didnt win, you usually get a fraction of the maximum value. Same goes to the bottom 50%. They will lose a fraction of the maximum value.

Winners of each games will instead get 1.5x bonus while everyone get 1x. Hopefully this encourage players a bit more to actually try to win instead of just getting as far as you can.

If you hosted a game AT LEAST once this season, you will automatically increase your ELO by 25. You do not get any more bonuses if you host more than 1 game. Hopefully this will encourage more different players to host this month. More variety of hosts is healthier for this lobby. Hopefully this also prevent from discouraging players to not host because they are afraid of not being able to farm ELO points.

almost 7 years
i'll play if you will allow me to use alts
almost 7 years
bboy it already happens, why else do you think ben kenobi gets first boot so often
deletedalmost 7 years
My only fear for this is that people will start to "meta" others with higher ELOs, especially if everyone's scores are updated. Nonetheless, this seems like a cool idea POD. :)
almost 7 years

HardCarry says

looking for people to farm ELO with.

Meta f2????
almost 7 years
looking for people to farm ELO with.
almost 7 years
what does ELO stand for
deletedalmost 7 years
morning games


almost 7 years
Holy crap good luck keeping up with all of them lol, cool thing if it works though
almost 7 years

Elfen says

this is a very nice idea in my opinion which will have side benefits such as people not joining just to medevac

Yeah suiciders and vegging will definitely suffer with this system
almost 7 years

coolkidrox123 says

how much for first boot?

Depend on size of the game, their current ELO, and their opponents ELO
almost 7 years
this is a very nice idea in my opinion which will have side benefits such as people not joining just to medevac
almost 7 years
how much for first boot?
almost 7 years
b u m p