deleted about 7 years
Tobi wins reward, and the players begin their first immunity challenge!
Why are y'all negging my post
deleted about 7 years
Tobi is winning!!!!!!!!!!!! #LetsGoFatty
deleted about 7 years
hals, ioris and ally making merge.
deleted about 7 years
For some context, one of the reward challenges was learning High Valyrian on Duolingo, and that is one of the commonly used translations on Duolingo.
who the hell came up with that name
deleted about 7 years
The tribe has decided to name themselves Valar Morghūlis! ("all men must die" in High Valyrian)
deleted about 7 years
Hey Rs being last prejuror is pretty cool :)
deleted about 7 years
why do i have to be on the bottom ):
deleted about 7 years
rs1993 becomes the final prejuror, and the tribes merge!
2085 is a freaking high score
deleted about 7 years
seamusofkansas' official statement: "I would just like to say that as a proud Kansas and feminist I am all about freeing the nipple. The meninist hosts are trying to oppress the feminist movement and nipples everywhere. Please enjoy the following documentary: [LINK REDACTED BECAUSE ALLY DOESN'T WANT A VIO FOR INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT. The documentary is entitled FREE THE NIPPLE | Topless Feminist Freedom Fighters! on Youtube.]"
deleted about 7 years
EMVivor says The immunity challenge (TROLOLOL) saw seamusofkansas getting his first strike for posting inappropriate content in the TROLOLOL challenge chat. when will your faves ever
EMVivor says The immunity challenge (TROLOLOL) saw seamusofkansas getting his first strike for posting inappropriate content in the TROLOLOL challenge chat. #FreeTheNipple