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Elfen's BetVivor

almost 7 years

Host: Elfen (if someone is interested in co-hosting to form a game with more than 24 players, they may PM me)

Date: Friday, September 15

Time: 3PM EST, time-friendly for both AM and PM time zones.

Players: 24 (may increase if co-hosting is made)

Description/Twist: The main rules are the same of the rules of a normal survivor, where you should try, by any means, to be the sole survivor in the end! However, the ability of prediction and/or guessing what will happen in the game, will be awarded! Are you a mentalist? Are your prediction abilities strong enough? Be awarded! Are you not? Struggle!

Additional Rules explanation: Every player will start with a fictional amount of $100. Then, throughout the game, odds will be given from the host and players will be able to bet an amount of money (as many as they like) in certain odds, with odds being about future happenings in the game (like, for example, the eventuality "a certain player to win the next immunity" having an odd of 10.00, means that if you bet $5 on it, and that player does win the next immunity, you will get back $50, which is a profit of $45, but if that player does not, you will lose your $5). With the money you gain you will be able to buy items, such as idols, mystery boxes, etc, which will help you throughout the game!


  • Will my game be spectated from the host?

Your game will be indeed spectated from the host (to prevent cheating), but odds will be based on public events that will happen in the game and NOT the whispers in-between, as this would witness the dynamics and possibly the social game of the players.

  • Will I be able to bet on a bet where my name is included?

You will be able to bet in any bet, regardless of who you are. Bets will be open in public.

  • Will I be able to talk with other players about my bets, and strategize on them?

Of course. You may create tactics with the allies you make in the game for efficient betting and you may openly discuss your bets and gifts with anyone you want. It is optional, though, and you are allowed as well to keep it secret to everyone.

  • Is betting in public? Will I be revealed in what I bet?

No. Betting only happens in whisper. You also will be informed about when you win a bet in whisper. Betting is personal and your total money will be kept hidden throughout the game.

  • When can I bet?

Betting will be open when the host opens the odds, by saying the Betting Theme and the respective odds. Every player will have some time to bet the amount of money they want in an option, if they want to bet. After some time, the host will close the odds by saying "Betting closed" and you will not be able to bet again until new odds appear.

  • Can I bet on previous odds in a new betting round?

No. You can only bet on the odds given in the round concerned.

  • Can I bet on two or more choices in the same round?

Yes. You have to tell the host the amount of money that goes in each choice, and you can bet on multiple choices in the same round.

  • Am I allowed to donate some or all of my money to another player?

No. The money is personal for each player and cannot be donated.

  • What am I not allowed to do?

Cheating is totally not recommended and this would spoil the fun and the game for the host and the other players, and would be highly disrespectful, mainly disturbing the work and the effort the host and the other players have put in the game. Harassment for other players, and cheating is challenges is also prohibited.

  • Am I forced to bet something?

No. However, all the given items in the game have to be bought. Every bonus item will not be free and will have a much higher price than $100. So, money is the main key for the game and betting is a very efficient way of earning some.

Disclaimer: All the "money" mentioned above are fictional and are about the game. The game has nothing to do with real money.

More about decimal odds here:

Reservations can be made in the comment section below. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section below, so that they are public.


  1. matt
  2. hasdanta
  3. Kloading
almost 7 years
Reserved, this seems cool I guess
almost 7 years
reserve pls
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Reservations can be made here.