The Basic Premise
An outlet for players to get attentive one-on-one assistance by highly experienced players. If you are an active player or host who wants to improve in either your gameplay or your hosting (or both) and would like to receive mentoring, you can sign up here in this thread.
How this program will work:
Instead of using the mentor-role system built into EpicMafia the Mentor Program will be shaped through one-on-one interaction from mentors and mentees. It's highly recommended that you download Skype or Discord depending on what your mentor/you prefer using. The way a lot of players have become better in shaping their respective playstyles is through the art of asking game-related questions in order to improve in future games. Mentors are also highly encouraged to reread mentees' games in order to see what their initial strengths and weaknesses are.
If you have any interest in hosting but are not sure where to start or can't seem to make your games work, I would highly recommend signing up for the program under the people we have mentoring for hosting. The more people we have willing to host, the more games we can have, making it easier to play games more often.
How to apply:
If you are interested in joining the program as a mentee, please post in the thread below following the guidelines. If you are below the required point threshold to post on the forums, message myself or any of the mentors.
How to apply to be a mentee:
- Username:
- Type of mentorship: [Gameplay and/or Hosting]
- Timezone:
- Survivor experience: [Roughly the amount of games you've played, time you've been in the lobby.]
- Mentor you would prefer [Leaving a short blacklist would be fine if you have multiple options.]:
- Additional comments:
Current Mentor/Mentee List:
If you had an old mentor prior, you still have to reapply even if you want to keep the same one.