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almost 7 years


post here for a doodle

then gimme karma if u like it

if ur avi changed since my first drawing u can ask for a new one (but dont act like i didn't notice u going on ur alt to get another drawing, u ain't slick)

PM me for any special request

over 6 years
bump XD
almost 7 years

MrMongrel says

Tidus says

MrMongrel says

do me a dawdle

truly amazing

Its a nice drawing of u Caleb
almost 7 years

Tidus says

MrMongrel says

do me a dawdle

truly amazing
almost 7 years
That's all for now! Thank you all again for helping me get motivated to make some art. :)
almost 7 years

Kenny says


last one goes to you, buddy
almost 7 years

theturningRAY says

……… draw my avi

almost 7 years

joga says

titus reminds me of t1ts can you draw some lol

I didn't know if you wanted t1ts or your avi, but I did both just in case

almost 7 years

tifennie says

may i get redrawn as person!! i change avi !! :D pls pls pls <3

i tried
almost 7 years

MrMongrel says

do me a dawdle

almost 7 years
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
……… draw my avi
deletedalmost 7 years
titus reminds me of t1ts can you draw some lol
almost 7 years
cool draws titus
almost 7 years
may i get redrawn as person!! i change avi !! :D pls pls pls <3
almost 7 years

Tidus says

DrSharky says

This is fantastic, I require a shark with human teeth please!

sry i suck at drawing teeth lmfao

Haha yisss
almost 7 years
do me a dawdle
almost 7 years

Emjack says


almost 7 years

Disguiser says


almost 7 years

sana says

owo whats this?

almost 7 years

Daoko says

I know you're drawing avi's, but can you draw me-- an embodiment of Cup of Noodles?

My creativity failed me on that prompt.

Here is a compensation photo:
almost 7 years

Seplo says


almost 7 years

BaneofMafia says

your toughest challenge yet

almost 7 years

JuliaMeow says


almost 7 years

Sirblockcraft says

Draw me too please!