No I speak to a lot of girls, because I really like being around and talking to girls. Another year before I date one, maybe, if I can't get over myself.
Like I'm 80% sure this anthropology major would go on a date with me if I asked her out, but I'm terrified of actually dating someone again, and also of rejection
deletedover 7 years
My attitude towards dating these days :(
what about the girlfriend you had around christmas?
I dated her October-May with like 3 breakups in there, I dumped her twice and she dumped me once.
There was also a super weird thing a month ago where she insisted on coming over, and I let her.
Now I feel jaded, but also incredibly lonely, and my social life has taken a noticeable nosedive as a result of her.
This time last year I was on top of the world! I feel like I've taken a huge step back in life.
Maybe I will ask her out when I get a new car in a few weeks, I'm embarrassed to ask a girl out with a broken car.
deletedover 7 years
If they're taking ancent lit you can be confident they aren't Idiots at least
Yeah the one thing I can take solace in as far as not being with my ex is that she is definitely a huge idiot and never going anywhere
deletedover 7 years
I like this blonde anthropology major who laughs at my jokes and steals looks at me, has even tried to start a conversation a few times. She is super cute, and bright too, but I'll probably be a huge p.ussy and never ask her out until she graduates in December and the ship has sailed