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destiny 2

almost 7 years

who is ready?

over 6 years
over 6 years
I love Destiny 2! The endgame is a serious problem right now since I'm 'Light Level' 304 but everything until then is pretty classic and fun. Raid is my favorite, Trials is hard af, Iron Banner is just crucible with different rewards, token system kinda sucks but w/e. Let me know if any of you wanna play sometime! I'm on ps4 just pm me on here!
over 6 years
"Daily Destiny Population
We've removed this chart because people are using it to spread a false narrative of the Destiny 2 player population. Daily Unique users is a misleading statistics to use as basis for the active population of the game, any game in that matter. Not everyone plays video games 24/7, besides maybe at launch. We hoped our article would've cleared this up a bit but it seems it hasn't. To halt people from making false narratives based on the numbers we provide we decided to stop showing them in this chart."
over 6 years
im still playing this sh*t
over 6 years
ok i probably shouldn't buy destiny 2 then
over 6 years
over 6 years
its really good especially if you liked the first one
over 6 years
how is d2? i haven't brought it yet