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The Gauntlet: Part II

almost 7 years

So, I decided to take matt's idea of The Gauntlet and apply it to a different setting!! (Part I can be found here:

I have compiled a list of Survivor players who have played in the past year. Each round, two of them will duel out in a first to 8 match. First to 8 stays in the competition, the other is out.

However, the twist is that rather than voting based on who you like more, it'll be based on who you think is the better Survivor player between the 2 players.



deletedalmost 7 years
can i be 104
im favors i was ROBBED
almost 7 years
looks fun
almost 7 years
I don't even get into the top 102, nice.... :(
almost 7 years
can't wait for people to not know who wroche2 is
almost 7 years
didn't know that there were this many people
almost 7 years

Try your best to stay impartial and unbiased. Don't like form alliances and sh*t for this.

In Vivor Lobby.
almost 7 years
f*ck you
almost 7 years
The only case that I don't win this is since my UTR game is so good :doge:
Or I'm against the one and only wroche2
almost 7 years

eat says

However, the twist is that rather than voting based on who you like more, it'll be based on who you think is the better Survivor player between the 2 players.

do you actually expect anyone to follow this

At worst, it becomes a who do you like more. At best, it works out how I want it to work!

Even if the former happens, I'm fine with that result.
deletedalmost 7 years

However, the twist is that rather than voting based on who you like more, it'll be based on who you think is the better Survivor player between the 2 players.

do you actually expect anyone to follow this
almost 7 years